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Monday, October 17, 2016

Almeria Bus Times

Just to confirm that the bus pick up times for the trip to Almeria this Thursday are 0815 at the Petrol Station in La Alfoquia and 0820 at the Pharmacy in Zurgena. The bus will stop for breakfast nearer in Almeria but you will 

A reminder of the Intercultural Day to be held in the Renfe building 10.0am Friday 28th October. The programme is as follows, 1000 welcome. 1100 Coffee. 11.30 Talk by the participants about their culture and history. 1400 Aperitives y Dishes typical of the participants. It looks like we will have 3 expats presenting short presentations on their cultural/culinary roots. 
As this presentation is to be to the Spanish and the English speaking residents it will be presented bilingually but I see it as a great opportunity to share with our Spanish neighbours something of our backgrounds.

As we are providing some food I need to know the numbers of people who are going to attend. So if you fancy coming along please let me know in advance so we can cater. 

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