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Thursday, April 29, 2021

Vaccinations Today

 I am really sorry about this but getting the correct information out is proving extremely difficult and conflicting so that I cannot nor the TH get definitive information..

They are now saying only those born in 1950! 

I said (again) what about those in the interim years and they said they will be called later!!!!!

If it was me I would go today and ask.

In view of the many comments and emails I have received I have decided that I will not communicate any further information regarding the vaccine programme. People can avail themselves of the information through the usual Spanish media channels of FB, Health Authorities etc. 


Yes the information has proved again to be incorrect! If you have not yet gone do not go. People are being told after a long wait that they have to wait for an SMS.


  1. On the living zurgena site it is saying anyone born between 1945-1955 to go to Huercal Overa but on the poster it just says 1955, I have been as I was born in 1955 but my husband hasn’t who was born in 1953 🤷🏼‍♀️

  2. Never mentioned 1950, the info from the north sanitary health district was correct and has not been changed it was and it is still 1955. These posts are just causing confusion. If you turn up and are not the right year you will not be seen just causing more problems and confusion for the public and the health service
