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Friday, April 9, 2021

Football Pitch and Car Tax

 The football is to reopen from Monday next and below are the details 

🔔The 7-a-side football field now has a new protection netting to prevent the balls from being thrown from the field and causing some kind of damage to the neighbours property.

 New anchor points have been installed to provide more solidity to the structure and to be able to adequately hold the 7m net that has been installed.

 ✔️From today you can rent the soccer field to enjoy this sport ⚽️

 📲For reservations: 679922186 (Enrique)

 ✅ Fee: € 30 / game

 ✅ Account number for income:

 ES18 3058 0022 81 2732 000055

This years car tax is payable now. If you call into the Town Hall and ask Andres he can print it off for you to pay at the bank.

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