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Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Convenio for Vaccine fo Non Resident Ex Pats

Following the recent progress with the vaccination programme I have now obtained clarification of a process for those people who are non resident but who may be in Spain at a holiday home or whatever but have an NIE. 

If you are non resident and not on the Spanish Health system you need to complete this form and take it to Huercal Overa Health Centre BUT, to assist you, we have set up a process which will help you. 

If you fall into this category if you call into the Town Hall between 1000 and 1130 any Monday, Thursday or Friday, Jose Manuel will assist you in completing the form and if you take a copy of your NIE he will copy that and hand it to Maribel with the completed form who will take the completed forms to the Health Centre and hand them in. This should ensure you are added to the list for vaccination. 


  1. Hmmm. That's all well and good. BUT, what about us who have been LEGALLY registered for fifteen years, who have flown above the radar and paid our taxes etc?
    Yet, you seem to be concentrating on those who have flown below the radar.

  2. I've tried to keep up to date with as much information as possible re the vaccination roll out programme. I.e age groups, essential workers, who get what type of vaccine, but never have i seen anything for those between the ages 65- 70. Is this something you can find out and let readers know please
