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Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Ruta de Tapas

Our very own Ruta de Tapas starts on Friday 18th November and runs over this weekend and the next weekend each Friday Saturday and Sunday. There are a total of 10 bars taking part across the municipality and I personally think it will be good fun (and interesting to taste the differing tapas) and get round all 10 bars and get an endorsing stamp from each so that you can be entered into the draw for a prize.

The cards, which you need to take round all the bars, will be available from tomorrow afternoon. I will ensure that there is a supply in as many locations as possible but we are still waiting them being complete by the printers.

The price of each tapa and cana is €2.20

The bars taking part are as follows

El Parque, Bar La Union, Bar Catalan, Bar La Piscina, Kalevala, Bar La Vida, Marilyn Bar, El Local D Maria, Bar Almeria, Bar Pepe.

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