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Friday, January 29, 2016

Gymnasium & Electric Meter Boxes

The Administration is pleased to announce that the Gymnasium should be opening again on Friday 5th February. It is to open under the name of the new manager ´Sergio Athletic Centre´.

Its is anticipated that the price of membership will be €25 per month but there will be discounts for various groups as part of our fitness and health programme further details to be announced soon.

The hours for the gym will be Monday to Friday 1000 x 21000 and Saturday 1000 x 1700.

This has to be signed off in Pleno and I will confirm when this has happened.

Recently, in Neighourhood Watch, we circulated the fact that some people had had a black cross written on their meter boxes and we were concerned that it was a marking for criminals to target houses. However, it transpires this is not the case but merely a flag for the Endesa workers that they have finished the new meter. Following that message another member reported a fact that I was unaware of and that is, that a house not using electricity, can be easily identified as the meter shows a constant red light whereas a house using even a tiny amount of electricity will show a flashing red light. Given the increasing instances of unoccupied houses being attacked it may be a good idea to leave some small low voltage light on in such houses.  

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