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Friday, September 23, 2022

A Few Things

 A few things to communicate today.

1. I will be in the Town Hall in Zurgena on Tuesday and Wednesday next week. I have a couple of meetings arranged but if anyone wants to talk just let me know. 

2. On the Wednesday morning at 1100 myself and Jose will be at the Esparto Exhibition to help English speakers understand the importance of the Esparto industry in Spain and explain the exhibition. 

3. A few have shown interest in the International food day idea. We could persuade a few Spanish ladies to present their typical dishes ( which always goes down well) and recruit some Brits, Dutch or French. I will look at dates/locations for this next week when I am there and update the blog once sorted.

4. There is a trip to the baths at Archena on the 17th October. I have attached the poster. If you register for this you will pay for it at the time of registering and it is non refundable. There will not be an interpreter on this trip. You will need to take a towel, swim hat, a lock (for your valuables). If you wish to register please call into the TH asap as places are limited and fill up quickly. 

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