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Thursday, February 4, 2021

Vaccination Programme and todays figures

Our Covid figures for Zurgena today show 1 new infection but 5 recoveries.

Following a request from one of our residents I asked the people managing the official Covid 19 Almeria Facebook page if they could give up to date information on the roll out of the vaccination programme and they have agreed to do so where they can get the figures but to start  with they provided this information.

After starting last December 27 with residents in socio-health centers and their workers, as well as frontline health personnel, plus all the senior officials who have skipped their shift, Health is already preparing the next phase of the campaign vaccination, for which age will be the factor determining target groups to immunize.

After completion of this first group, planned until March and where hospital healthcare and non-frontline primary care also enter, dentistry, dental hygiene staff and others who care for patients without a mask for more than 15 Minutes and large non-institutionalized dependants, the second target group will be those over 80 years old who do not live in residences and will be followed by those over 70, who will be cited by their health centers.
After the ages of 80, it will be the turn of the group between 70 and 79 years; in both, it is already about people who do not live in residences and who will be nominally cited by their health centers so as not to waste not a single injection.
It remains to be seen how it will be done with the groups that lack public insurance and those belonging to mutual funded directly - MUFACE, MUGEJU and ISFAS - which are in the process of negotiating with the Ministry, albeit sources consulted claim they will not be discriminated against negatively and will be contemporarily vaccinated to the rest.
In the coming weeks, the presentation will also have to be profiling the other groups based on their previous pathologies or the level of exposure to the virus they have in their work. A view they share from the Spanish Association of Vacunology (AEV): its vice president, Fernando Moraga-Llop, is of the opinion that ′′ after 80 years the ages should be lowered to 65 years, then continue by groups with diseases chronicles such as diabetes, epoc, cardiopathies...". And after the chronicles, people institutionalized or at risk of social exclusion, i.e. groups of poor socioeconomic conditions, followed by essential staff of all kinds.
′′ Then you could make a 55-to-64 year-old group and leave for the end to those who have had covid except if they are high-risk, which is what happens now at the residences ", says the expert, who in any case advocates a ′′ uniform approach nationwide ".
Moraga-Llop shares that ′′ the important thing is to cite with primary care; it is obvious that it will not be possible in all the centers, and if at any given time it is convenient to take hand from the private, military, senior medical students, all coordinated from public health, also because it is a public health vaccine and it is for all people and free ".


  1. Hi Jim, Thank you for the update good to know. However those of us who are not receiving UK Government pensions and as such do not receive free healthcare here on the Spanish health system but pay private heathcare have been told. (after enquiring) that we must pay for our jab ( or medicine) so it may not be free to all. The vaccines are being rolled out through the Spanish health system,so it will be interesting to know how those paying private healthcare will be called forward if we are not on the Spanish Health system( which is more expensive for us than our current private health insurance should we choose to pay into it. Thank you

    1. I shall try and find out what the arrangements are for such people.

  2. Hi Jim, Thank you for the update good to know. However those of us who are not receiving UK Government pensions and as such do not receive free healthcare here on the Spanish health system but pay private heathcare have been told. (after enquiring) that we must pay for our jab ( or medicine) so it may not be free to all. The vaccines are being rolled out through the Spanish health system,so it will be interesting to know how those paying private healthcare will be called forward if we are not on the Spanish Health system( which is more expensive for us than our current private health insurance should we choose to pay into it. Thank you
