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Saturday, February 20, 2021

Palaces to Zurgena Road

Good news regarding the construction work on the Motorway. Just published by the Town Hall to our Facebook page is the below article;

We inform our neighbours that thanks to the different administrations and the company responsible for the motorway works for their collaboration in reaching an agreement. 

A few days ago, a secondary lane to the Al-7106 was started so that residents can access the town of Zurgena without having to make a long detour.

 The company that is executing the works estimates that to finish completing the new access safely, access to Zurgena will have to be cut off to traffic for about a week, but it has been agreed that it will be kept open every day during business hours.  7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. 

But this restricted opening period just for the first week so they can complete the work to install the extra access. 


  1. Not a comment on the above, but we need to get an up to date PadrĂ³n and I can't find anything anywhere. What's the current procedure, please?

  2. Just go to the town Hall with your Documents (your old Padron if you have one)
