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Wednesday, February 8, 2023

Meeting re Bridge over Rambla

As many of you may remember Luis, Fran and I included the idea of a bridge over the Rambla below La Vida in our manifesto of 2019 and is one of very few promises we have not yet managed to achieve. We felt it was necessary to build a bridge as the road surface is frequently washed away in heavy rains. This was included in our manifesto in 2019 and is one of the few promises not yet kept. However we have been working on the project and our Mayor would like to inform everyone about the state is the project.

In an effort to inform as many as possible about the project and how it is progressing he is holding a meeting at Bar La Vida at 1100 on Friday 17th February.

As this road is the main access for residents of Cucador Norte (previously known as Cuesta de Los Pinos) and Los Llanos del Peral all residents of these areas may wish to attend and get 5he latest news.

1 comment:

  1. If they want people to go to the meeting, why hasn't the Ayuntamiento advertised it on their Facebook page?
