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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Spanish Legion

Nothing to do with the TH this post.

Some of you may recall the trips we made to the Spanish Legion base at Viator, Near Almeria, on a few occasions last year. These trips were primarily a visit of a few hours, a tour around the base, escorted by serving ranking officers in the legion, practising their command of english, followed by a lunch either on the base or nearby. My colleague who organises these events has been in touch to inform me of two events.

Firstly, and he apologises for the lateness of the notification, but there is a parade this Saturday. The idea being that anyone who wishes to attend the parade may do so. If they arrive at between 1030 and 1100 hours on Saturday morning at the base. The parade commences at midday and lasts about an hour then to go for lunch somewhere. Anyone wishing to attend should let me know of their intention asap together with their NIE number/passport number in order that I can inform security at the base.

Secondly there is an opportunity to organise another group trip around the base, like the previous ones we did. In those cases all I need is a rough idea of the numbers of people who would like to have a guided tour round the base, seeing such things as, pictures of Franco when he was commandant of the Legion and souvenirs of their campaigns etc. I would look to organise that for sometime, suitable to all, during June. What we did previously on these tours was again spend time in the museum, visit the various parts of the base, where we had information on the activities, and then adjourn for lunch either in the mess or at a restaurant nearby. People would make their own way to the base and we would meet up there.

So if you are interested in either a) the parade this Saturday or b) the guided tour round the base please let me know by email at or on my mobile 661147554.

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