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Friday, April 25, 2014

Apologies BUT

Isn't it just sods law! Now that I have more good news about our PGOU I am not in a position to do much with it. There are articles in the Spanish press which will be picked up by the english press as well.

This is what Luis has put out,
"After much work and effort, Zurgena is finally close to causing the interim approval of its General of urban Plan (PGOU). The document that will allow the industrial and urban development of the town leaving uncertainty and opening the door to the regularization of the vast majority of homes that need it, being one of the pioneers in the adoption of the General plan in the region."

Unfortunately Sue, my wife, was admitted to hospital with suspected Acute Pancreatitis, yesterday afternoon and I am obviously spending as much time as I can with her and therefore will not be in the TH today or much in the next few working days. I will however, make sure I attend our Pleno on Monday ay 6.0pm at which we will be approving our draught PGOU! If we can see this through to fruition in the next year I will be celebrating big style!

I do have to endorse what many of my friends have reported and that is the excellent service at Huercal Overa hospital. I have to say our treatment there was fantastic. We got there 6.20pm after a 2 minute wait we were documented, at 6.35pm had a consultation with a GP, at 6.45pm had bloods done, BP reading and an ECG. at 6.55pm a urine sample was taken for testing and at 7.10pm she had an Xray. We waited for about an hour when we were called back to see the doctor who said she was undecided and wanted a CT scan which was carried out by 8.0pm and at 8.45pm we went back into see the doctor and she said she suspected Acute Pancreatitis (which her sister suffered from some years ago!) and wanted to admit her. When you add that to the fact that my car was parked on the car park for 16 hours for free it certainly beats my experience of the UK A&E service.


  1. We must agree with you Jim that Huercal Overa hospital is really good. And we wish your wife a quick recovery.
    Delene and Steve

  2. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.
    Andy & Yvonne
