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Wednesday, January 20, 2021

Police Controls

 The Local Police of Zurgena are carrying out random controls in order to ensure compliance with the measures established for the prevention of COVID-19, control of entrances to the municipality of towns with perimeter closure and control for compliance with the rules.

In the last month they have carried out more than 30 sanctions for non-compliance with the measures imposed by the Autonomous Government.

We ask the neighbours to collaborate with compliance of the prevention protocols for the pandemic and the confinement measures for everyones good.

The Local Police will continue to carry out preventive controls.


  1. Hi Jim, I understand we cannot go shopping in Albox or to Arboleas to check our post, but I would hope that I would be allowed to go to the wood yard to get bags of wood for our log fire as due to the cold weather we are running low, or do I need to get some kind of pass from
    Zurgena Town hall to show the police if stopped? Thank you

  2. Sorry should have included the wood yard we go to is the large one just before Longo ( Colin the card) as far as we know there isn't one in Zurgena- thank you

  3. Sorry should have included the wood yard we go to is the large one just before Longo ( Colin the card) as far as we know there isn't one in Zurgena- thank you

    1. I do not think it is allowed. I shall enquire but with issues such as this I believe it is up to the discretion of the Police. Do they not deliver?

  4. Thanks Jim, will see how it goes. You can go there and order a lorry load (€30 delivery) but due to storage issues we have to buy bags, 5 for €21, thanks again.
