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Monday, March 8, 2021

Vaccination Info

 All we have discovered, regarding the roll out of the vaccine, is that all persons, legally resident in Spain, with NIE etc will be called for their vaccination and they are being called in age order. 

They are still inoculating the over 80s but will then start on the next age group which we think is 65 to 80. Each person will be contacted by telephone where they can be but we also understand there will be a catch up exercise to ensure everyone is included. 

Sorry I cannot provide any more information but that is all we have been able to ascertain.


  1. Sorry jim just to clarify, even though I am not on the Spanish health system, but have private healthcare, residencia and an NIE number I will be called forward for my covid vaccination? Please can you confirm yes or no?

  2. My understanding is that you will be.
