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Friday, December 4, 2020

Bowling Club New Agreement and Administrative Adoption of Road

 This morning the signing of the Administrative Agreement for the Transfer of use of the Bowling Green to the Zurgena Bowling Club Sports Association, for the next 4 years was signed.

 Our Mayor, Luis Díaz García, together with the Secretary of the Association, Keith Douglas Porter, met and signed the new agreement

An administrative file file that we (Zurgena City Council) started in January 2017, through a request l to the Ministry of Development, Infrastructure and Land Management was for the transfer of the section known colloquially as “Curva del Molino”, comes to a satisfactory conclusion with the signing of the Agreement for the transfer of, part of, the  C-323 road to Zurgena”, including the residual section of the old AL-810 highway,. This has been agreed between our mayor, Luis Díaz García, and the territorial delegate of Development, Infrastructures, Land Management, Culture and Historical Heritage, Eloísa Cabrera.

The section of this road that has now become the property of the City Council, has a length of 332 meters, with an average width of the road of 5.50 meters

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