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Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Latest re Zurgena

 Dear neighbours, we inform you that officially the number of positive cases of Covid -19 confirmed by our Medical Centre shows 13 cases in our municipality.  It is true that these results are as expected and that this figure may vary from one day to the next.  But so far this is the latest we have.

 We once again emphasize the importance of respecting the security measures established by the Ministry of Health.

 Try to minimize moving between areas, avoid meetings of more than 6 people, respect distances and capacities in establishments, maintain proper hand hygiene and do not forget to use a mask.

 We also remember that from 23:00 h.  You cannot go outside unless it is for an emergency or justified cause.


  1. Fake, Actually that day there were 23 people infected with Covid-19.

    Daily update by the Junta de Andalucía:

  2. Does anyone have a link to the relevant health response app? We have Salud Andalusia but can't see how to notify covid on it. My husband and I are both positive as of this morning in La Alfoquia, private medical, so not registered with local doctor.
