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Thursday, October 15, 2020

IBI Paying when not in Spain and Update re TIE and again 2038 15.10

 Firstly as I am getting a few emails about paying IBI when not in Spain I thought I had better explain. The bill does not show the necessary bank account details. It would appear that some banks in the UK can read the bar code on the bill but some cannot therefore I enquired as to what options are available.

You have 3 options as far as I can see 

1. Send your bill to someone in Spain who can print a copy off and if they present it at a cash point the machine will scan the bar code and take payment. It is very easy but of course you need to have someone in Sopain. To do it.
2. You can send a copy o CAT services who may may provide this ¡service for you for a fee - not sure but think they would do it. There website is
That will then ask you to put in some details including your mobile phone number and they wills end you a pin so you can access your bill and pay it BUT I do not know if it will accept a UK mobile! Update - I am advised that it should accept UK mobile phone numbers.

Secondly I am receiving conflicting advice regarding the TIE or residency issue and so I have generated a couple of enquiries to try and get a definitive answer. I suspect that some solicitors are advising that everyone gets one but whether that is for their financial benefit or is a legal requirement I have not yet established but will post as soon as I find out. 

Below is the experience of one of our residents printed here for information

Yes exchanged credit card size to TIE. We originally got our residencia in tenerife with A4 and then updated to permanent and got the credit card size. In tenerife it is common place to laminate the card here not so I took both with us. They weren't happy with the laminate, "no no no in almeria" took the A4 and gave us card back but told to take that when we collect new cards

We did this through CAT services, you get your own photos and copy padron, and cats arrange everything else, tell you what documents you need, copy them for you fill in the application form, pay the 12 euro tax and get the appointment. Their charge is 25 euro per person plus the 12 euro tax so 37 euro per person, well worth it

We got to the appointment early they were for 11.30 and 11.50 we got there 10.30 and joined the appropriate queue - quite a few people already there.  Showed the appointment and got straight through. You have to then put your nie number in machine and it will give you a ticket, then to the waiting room until number comes up on the screen

Each person needs a number but you can go up together if a couple/family.

Handed over paperwork and then have to sign card where they place your photo, they will ask you to pull mask down to check against your picture/passport and then take fingerprints - most of this is done via gestures and easy to follow if you dont speak spanish. The girl we saw spoke a little English and the girl on the next desk was fluent - possibly this has been done to help with the process. 

Once done and checked given an appointment to go back to collect cards on 20 november. All done for the both of us in just over 20 minutes.

Thanks to Pam Arthur for this.

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