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Thursday, June 4, 2020

First day back

Just to update on a few things.

Firstly I returned to the office today but was promptly told by Luis that I should only go into the Town Hall when it is absolutely necessary or when an important meeting is called. So I must continue to try and deal with everything from home but with the assistance of Jose Manuel and Andres!

We have a new official Town Hall secretary who has started work this week. He is apparently a highly qualified man who will be a great benefit to the Town Hall administration. Jose (the ex Policeman who was doing the job) I hope we can get back on the streets but we need to see if that is what he wants. Once the  secretary gets himself established he will have a mountain of work as new contracts for various public buildings etc will need to be put out to tender or options.

At the moment the Police are still under the control of the regional authorities and are only working one day about and only during daytime hours.

So for now I will continue to deal with things as the pasty few months. We are still trying to keep visitors to the Town Hall to a minimum but obviously people need to go in to get there car tax bills etc. If there is anyway I can help just email to the usual address at
I can arrange various things to be handled electronically eg sending out papers etc.

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