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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

PGOU Final Stage and Petanque

Our PGOU is at long last going through the final stage. It has been approved, published, amended  and is now only awaiting the 4 weeks appeal time.
I have received a few questions regarding the grant of AFOs. As, has been explained before, an AFO is only really of value if your property is outside the land shown as urban within the PGOU.  
Having discussed this with my colleagues we can state that, there are in the región of 4 or 5% of properties within Zurgena that will require an AFO. The other 95% are covered by the PGOU as being on urban land and will become regularised through the ongoing process.
It would be a waste of money for a home owner to apply for an AFO for a property which is subsequently to be regularised through the ongoing process as this would entail paying twice!
The homes which wish to apply for an AFO may do so, but, at the moment, we need to approve a Fiscal Ordinance in order to be able to charge the home owner for the cost of this process. So that is the only thing holding up the grant of AFOs. That process will be completed as soon as we can.

Regarding Petanque (at the courts at the side of the Gymnasium in Alfoquia),I have been asked by the organisers to let people know that they are now playing Tuesday afternoons 1500 x 1700. If anyone wishes to join them they are welcome.


  1. Hi Jim, perhaps it would also help everyone if those 4 or 5% of us that need an AFO ( not covered by the plan or PGOU if our understand above is correct) could be notified when you can, thank you

    1. They inform me that if there is no ordinance there can be no fee. In other words, they have to issue it for free. A fee is a tribute. It cannot be demanded if it is not established.

  2. Hi Jim, perhaps it would also help everyone if those 4 or 5% of us that need an AFO ( not covered by the plan or PGOU if our understand above is correct) could be notified when you can, thank you

    1. They inform me that if there is no ordinance there can be no fee. In other words, they have to issue it for free. A fee is a tribute. It cannot be demanded if it is not established.

  3. Please contact me so I can explain. It is better to do that face to face as it is a bit involved. Just give me a call 610194260.

    1. They inform me that if there is no ordinance there can be no fee. In other words, they have to issue it for free. A fee is a tribute. It cannot be demanded if it is not established.

  4. They inform me that if there is no ordinance there can be no fee. In other words, they have to issue it for free. A fee is a tribute. It cannot be demanded if it is not established.

  5. My reason for publishing this is to advise people that the Town Hall is trying to deter people from applying for an AFO.

    Remember it is not up to the Town Hall.
    It is the law.

    It is up to those affected whether they wish to wait (on a timescale which the Town Hall will not disclose) or whether they decide to get your escritura in your name much quicker.
    The total cost is the same.
    It is your decision, not the Town Hall’s
