I have, as you know been waiting for the Secretary to try and get me a full censor list from Almeria but he has failed. I have copied the below from my friend Bruce Hobdays' circulation email as it is as comprehensive a list as it is possible to get. I would urge everyone to check, particularly those who did not vote in the local elections in 2007.
I will also ensure that Jose in our Town Hall is aware (para 4 below) that I have sent this out so that he knows anyone calling into the Town Hall is doing so from this advice.
If you want to confirm that you will be able to vote in the local elections in May 2011 you may do so as follows:
1.Telephone your provincial Electoral Census Office on 901101900. You should have your padrón, your passport number and your NIE/Residencia details to hand. An interpreter may be required as the staff generally speak Spanish.
2.Send an email to the Census Office at sede.censoelectoral@ine.es quoting your name, the address on your padrón, your passport number and your NIE number. Emails are accepted in English and a response may be sent in Spanish.
3.Post your enquiry via the Census Office website. https://sede.ine.gob.es/ss/Satellite?c=Page&cid=1254734730209&lang=en_GB&pagename=SedeElectronica%2FSELayout. Quote your name, the address on your padrón, your passport number and your NIE number. Queries are accepted in English and a response will be sent in Spanish.
4.Check at your Town Hall. According to the Census Regulations (Real Decreto 605/1999 de 16 de abril, de Regulación Complementaria de los procesos electorales, Sexta reclamaciones administrativas) ….. “At any time you can check your registration in the electoral census and make appropriate claims under the provisions article 38 de la Ley Orgánica 5/1985, del Régimen Electoral General (LA LEY 1596/1985). Both queries and complaints may be filed with the Ayuntamientos, consular offices or at the Provincial Offices of Electoral Census Bureau”. The census office has explained that the town hall may fulfil its obligation to resolve your enquiry by phoning the Electoral Census Office on your behalf on 901101900. If your town hall is not in a position to supply the required information and will not assist by contacting the census office on your behalf, we strongly recommend that you register a formal complaint. We also advise that you note the details stated in this paragraph in case your town hall is unaware of the regulations.
5.Visit the Census office in person (from 9am to 2pm) at the Delegacion Provincial de Almeria del Censo Electoral, Plaza de San Pedro, 8 , 04001 Almeria and make a personal enquiry. Bring your padrón certificate, passport and NIE/Residencia details with you. The staff generally speak Spanish so an interpreter may be required.
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