Firstly I have had a number of emails about the contents of some posts on forums about our PGOU and Candido Trabalon, Mayor of Zurgena. Firstly, for your information, I do not use the forums and have not for over 3 years due to the frequently unsubstantiated and often almost slanderous stuff that appears on them. As you know the reason I joined the Council in Zurgena was to try and be able to give people as accurate and up to date information on anything that appertains to Zurgena.
In relation to the stuff which has been circulating in the Spanish press(left wing controlled) about Candido and the likely events at Court in March this is the 3rd release of the same information and almost word for word what they said at the time of the arrests. Secondly I have not spoken to Candido for over a week and, if he has intimated he is not going to run, then he hasn't told me. I will be meeting with him as usual probably Thursday or Friday and will ask for clarification of this matter and the newspaper reports. Lastly as far as the PGOU is concerned there are no further developements, on what is actually being agreed, since I last reported on here.
Secondly the Post Boxes for Los Carasoles were being installed yesterday and so deliveries to that area should commence soon. The residents of Palaces have also initiated a bank of boxes for their area and Mrs Diane Drummond is organising that one. We have identified a location and Diane is finalising numbers for the boxes. If you live in Palaces area and are interested please get in touch with Diane asap her email is and herb telephone number is
950 064 322
Hi there, A couple of weeks ago we were entertained in the Renfe Building by the Social Services Team who were intending to explain and clarify what British and other Ex-pats were entitled to claim and how to go about it. What started as a generic presentation rapidly deteriorated into a question and answer session for a few people. Is it possible to iterate and clarify exactly what can be claimed and how to go about it in detail and as simply as possible. MDF