Called in this morning but it was a bit of a waste of time.
Firstly I asked if Luis (the architect) had managed to get me the CD of the Plan but he had not.
Secondly I asked if Jose had got me the Censor list or details of where to call to check the electoral list. Also no joy as Jose had dropped one of the large stones, which form the wall at the side of the entrance to the Town Hall, on his feet and so has been off work again for a few days.
Thirdly, as I am looking at the options for getting a plan of an urbanisation displayed in a prominent place, I asked if we had a decent street plan for Cuesta de los Pinos. When we checked we had maps of all the areas except that one. I will have to wait for Salvadore to do one, as the Town Hall needs to have one, and then I can get a copy and see what we can do with it. It was a suggestion from a resident that to enable emergency services or even just delivery drivers to find addresses that we put an illuminated street plan in a prominent position so that people could be located. I think it is a good idea and will pursue. I do not know if I can get the Town Hall or the builder to pay for it but I am sure that, if it is reasonable enough, the residents would help with the cost.
The Correos has now altered its operating hours to just one hour a day between 1.0pm and 2.0pm. Not only that but the good staff have all left and it is a new young man who does not even know the area. A reminder to sign the petition that Mike has out in various locations. We are hopeful that the buzon for Los Carasoles will be installed soon and I have heard from a resident at Palaces who, through Neighbourhood Watch, is canvasing residents of that area to see if they want a similar bank of post boxes. If you live in Palaces and have not been contacted by Diane Drummond (email ) and you are interested then please do so.If there is sufficient interest we will approach the correos and see about getting one installed there.
Lastly I asked that our thanks be passed onto Paco and his team for their prompt and good work in tidying up the trees which were blocking the road view when exiting Palaces last Friday. Sometimes things get done!
On another matter and just for your information (this is no recommendation merely information). There is a newish company which is offering a service whereby they manage your electricity supply to get the best and cheapest electricity supplier. As you may know there are various ways that your electricity costs are going to increase over the next year or so.
The company is called Iberswitch based in Alicante but they have the contract for the South of Spain. They charge a one off fee of 30 euros then 30% of each months saving and they promise to save you money for various reasons up to about 30%. Their local agent based in Huercal Overa is Joanne Williams mobile 634346942 email
Finally local english sounding names displayed on the Town Hall notice board are Maxine Louise Cottrill and Dudley Vincent Reilly, both of Cucador. If you know of either of these people it may of benefit if they were to check out the papers displayed.
Any problems email or mob 661147554.
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