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Friday, January 15, 2021

New Measures from midnight Sunday. (Update)

 These are the measures announced by the president of the Junta de Andalucía, Juanma Moreno:

- Perimeter closure of the region and the 8 provinces.

- Perimeter closure of municipalities with AI greater than 500 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

- Closure of hotels and shops at 6:00 p.m.

- Closure of hotels and businesses in municipalities with an AI greater than 1,000 cases per 100,000 inhabitants.

- Advancement of the curfew at 20.00 (if the central government authorizes it).

- Reduction of social gatherings to 4 people.

These measures will be reviewed daily and come into effect at 00:00 this Sunday.


Sorry to clarify we (residents of Zurgena can travel freely with the exception of the following

Municipalities with perimeters closed 

Alhama de Almería, Almería capital, Benahadux, Carboneras, Fiñana, Gádor, Huécija, Huércal de Almería, Níjar, Pechina, Sorbas, Viator, Albox, Antas, Arboleas, Armuña de Almanzora, Chirivel, Cóbdar, Cuevas del Almanzora, Fines, Los Gallardos, Garrucha, Macael, María, Mojácar, Olula del Río, Oria, Partaloa, Purchena, Taberno, Vélez-Blanco, Vélez-Rubio, Vera, Laujar de Andarax y Adra.

Municipalities with shops and businesses closed 

Alhama de Almeria, Carboneras, Fiñana, Gádor, Sorbas, Albox, Antas, Arboleas, Chirivel, Cóbdar, Los Gallardos, María, Mojácar, Oria, Taberno, Partaloa, Vélez-Blanco, Vélez-Rubio.


  1. Please can you advise in basic what it means if you live in Zurgena?
    Can we still travel in Almeria? Are we able to shop in Albox, golf in Vera.....thank you
