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Wednesday, May 6, 2020


Sorry to have to bring this up again.

RUBBISH at Los Llanos del Peral.

It was just last week that we had to ask the Consorcio del Levante to attend to the bins at the end of Avenida Poetas in Llanos del Peral as someone had left a large number of items of garden rubbish.

Now today 6 new large black bin liners have been dumped at the bin in such a manner that people cannot even get to the foot pedal which of course makes it unsafe given the pandemic. We will involve the Police and fines will be issued if people do not adhere to the rules. If anyone knows the identity of the person dumping please let me know.

Large items can be placed by the basuras twice a month 11th and 23rd when they will collect them so they can be deposited one day before but this does n to cover all rubbish. The rubbish tip in Arboleas is still open normal weekday hours although the gate is shut but it will be opened when you turn up.


  1. Jim the rubbish sacks have now been moved and are placed around the yellow recycling bin and you are unable to get to it unless you go on to the tough ground.

  2. Sorry Jim my comment went as unknown

  3. Jim can we share this to Facebook?

  4. There are more rubbish sacks of garden waste now and an old baby cat seat!!!
