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Saturday, May 23, 2020

Large Items of Rubbish

It seems I need to explain once more the rules regarding. the disposal of rubbish at the basuras.

All general household waste should be placed in the basuras. If the Basura is full then it should be taken to the next nearest basura. No general rubbish should be put by side of the Basura.

Large items which cannot go into the Basura eg mattresses, furniture etc are collected twice a month from the Basura by the Consorcio. This is an excellent service compared to the lack of such a facility in the UK BUT it does lead to confusion. Please follow the above rules. Garden waste etc must be taken to a recycling point the nearest being the one in Arboleas.

Please keep our areas tidy and be considerate


  1. Hi Jim, what are the 2 x dates for the larger items to be left by basura's please? There is a large amount of items having been left and no collection next to Sola. Is it specific dates like in Arboleas? Thanks

  2. Yes please I have a furnisher needing moving in cucador

  3. Sorry if you could put dates on here or if you on arboleas forum on there thanks
