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Thursday, March 26, 2020

Update on Shopping Rules

Due to a number of requests regarding rules regarding shopping I have sought clarification from the TH Secretary and he advises the following.

The decree has been amended to allow two people in a car as long as one sits in the rear. They must be going for one of the approved reasons. Masks should be worn. However bear in mind that only one allowed in the shop at a time. So kind of defeats the idea of 2 going.

Regarding where you can shop. I am advised that if you have supplies in your town you should not travel to other towns eg Albox or Huercal Overa. I have heard a rumour that someone was fined €600 in Huercal Overa who came from Alfoquia. I must admit that for the past two weeks I shopped at Huercal Overa as, I thought if we all shopped locally, the stores would soon run out BUT that is what the rule states. I guess it will be down to the individual GC officer as to whether driving to another town to shop should attract a fine or not but that it the rule. 


  1. This is getting totally absurd, I enjoy fresh fish twice a week which I can't get in Alfoquia so I go to Consum in Huércal-Overa which operates a meticulous safety regime. We are at the mercy of individual officers with no protection from unreasonable heavy fines.

  2. Do not shoot the messenger I am only relaying the official information I have been given. Everyone can then make informed decisions as to what they do.

  3. Additionally the post said ,ïf there are supplies locally!¨

  4. When govt change the criteria for leaving home then they have a duty to clearly communicate this so that everyone can abide by the rules. The supermarket in La Alfoquia, which is more a mini market, is Ill equipped to cope with the huge demand from the local population with very limited fresh produce. It wasn't the intention to shoot the messenger, merely to expect clear and concise info from Govt.
