The PGOU is ready and we are now just discussing how best to release it. There is a consideration that we might be better presenting it in two formats Spanish and English to explain what it all means and how it was arrived at but no final decision has been reached yet.
Was unable to resolve the query regarding continued use of the Gym in Zurgena yet but will try again.
The Llanos del Peral hall has been booked for a function for later next month.
For information the following two events are taking place locally
1. The rambla motor racing (motor bikes, quads, 4 wheel drives) is over the weekend 9th/10th April. There will be a special stage in the rambla in front of Zurrgena on Sunday 10th. It has been good spectator sport in the past.
2. There is a trip for the elderly to Archena thermal baths on 24th April if anyone is interested in joining this, predominantly Spanish, trip they need to call into the T.H. and inform Isa.
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