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Monday, October 24, 2022

Neighbourhood Watch A.G.M. & Flamenco show UPDATE

 Firstly notification of the upcoming AGM for Zurgena NHW.

As many of you long time residents know NHW was set up in Zurgena about 2006 following a spate of burglaries and lack of response from the security services. It has helped our community protect itself and improve reaction/responses from the Police. It is a proven success worldwide in reducing crime and helps form a community spirit and helps residents to understand any issues which they can protect themselves from.

A few years ago it almost collapsed due to lack of support but fortunately continued due to the support of enough residents. 

They do not ask for much from members but without members the scheme is of little value.

You are therefore recommended to attend the meeting if at all possible to show your support and to hear from the important committee members. I have invited both the Police and the Council to send representation to the meeting and hope they will attend.

The meeting is to be held at HEATHERS BAR AT 1500 on WEDNESDAY 2nd November

Please attend if you can.

The Flamenco show was another resounding success. An almost full house enjoyed another amazing selection of performances including an 8 year old prodigy from a famous Flamenco family. 

I will post some pics when I receive some good ones. If you missed it you missed another unique chance to see enjoy and understand this form of local dance and musical history.

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