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Thursday, February 25, 2021

Todays Figures and Report from Assessment Committee

Zurgena municipality is now down to just 5 active cases with no new infections.

Below details from the assessment committee  from todays meeting

 The meeting of the territorial Committee on Public Health Alert in the province of Almería was held today

The new measures which come into force at 00.00 p.m. on Friday, February 26, 2021, after publication in the BOJA
The Territorial Committee for Almeria's High Impact Public Health Alert has met today, Thursday, February 25, via telematics, chaired by the territorial delegate of Health and Families in Almeria, Juan de la Cruz Belmonte, to analyse the Epidemiological data in the province of Almería.
The territorial committee has valued all municipalities according to the updated rate of incidence as of today. The measures will be in effect for 7 days from 00.00 p.m. on Friday, February 26
Here's how the situation in the province is:
Municipalities with between 500 and 1.000 cases per 100.000 inhabitants (perimeter closure)
Balanegra, Felix, Los Gallardos, Garrucha, Lucar, Ohanes, Pulpí, Urrácal, Velez Blonde, Vera and Viator.
Municipalities with more than 1.000 cases per inhabitants (perimeter closure and closure of non-essential activity)
Paterna del Rio
High Impact Public Health Alerts Territorial Committees keep track of the epidemiological situation in their provinces and report on the need to maintain or modulate alert levels and their degrees according to health risk and proportionality of measures. They meet every Thursday to assess the situation of municipalities.


  1. Hi Jim, apologies but does that mean we can get our dog's arthritis pet food from los Gallardos now travelling from zurgena?

  2. Hi Jim, apologies but does that mean we can get our dog's arthritis pet food from los Gallardos now travelling from zurgena?

    1. You can go to Los Gallardos from tomorrow as their perimeter control will be lifted.
