I have printed below the new Resolution Passed by the Mayor of Zurgena due to the increase in numbers infected in our municipality. Please read and understand the new rules. Any questions send me an email to jimszurgena@gmail. com or to the contacts shown at the bottom of this post.
The Decree dictates that the Mayor-President of the Zurgena City Council, Mr. Luís Díaz García, in application to the municipality of Zurgena of Royal Decree Law 926/2020 declaring the state of alarm to contain the spread of infections caused by the SARS-COVID-2 (BOE no 282, 10/25/2020).
Since the WHO declared a public health emergency of international importance due to the expansion of the COVID 19 coronavirus, the authorities of the various administrations have been adopting various extraordinary containment measures.
Considering that at the moment in Zurgena, as in the rest of the nation there is an upward trend in the number of cases, with nine cases published by the health authorities of the Autonomous Community.
With the intention of protecting all residents, users of public services and personnel who provide them, this Mayor's Office, in accordance with the provisions of sections “a” and “m” of article 21 of Law 7/1985, of April 2, Regulating the Bases of the Local Regime, and in application of said Royal Decree I RESOLVE:
FIRST.-Restriction of the movement of people between 11:00 p.m. to 6:00 a.m. the next day except for the following causes (except the Autonomous Community of the Canary Islands): Article 5 and 9.2
a) Acquisition of medicines, health products and other essential goods.
b) Assistance to health centres, services and establishments.
c) Assistance to veterinary care centres for urgent reasons.
d) Compliance with labour, professional, business, institutional or legal obligations.
e) Return to the place of habitual residence after carrying out some of the activities foreseen in this section.
f) Assistance and care for the elderly, minors, dependents, people with disabilities or especially vulnerable people.
g) Due to force majeure or situation of need.
h) Any other activity of a similar nature, duly accredited.
i) Refueling at gas stations or service stations, when necessary to carry out the activities foreseen in the preceding paragraphs.
[08:17, 27/10/2020] Jim Simpson: Pagina 2. * The delegated authority may set the schedule for its territory from 10:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m. or from 12:00 a.m. to 7:00 a.m.
SECOND.- Limitation of the permanence of groups of people in public and private spaces: Article 7.
a) Spaces for public use (closed and outdoors): restricted to a maximum number of six, except cohabitants.
b) Spaces for private use: Maximum number of six, except cohabitants.
c) Exceptions:
c1) Those that are established in relation to dependencies, facilities and establishments open to the public.
c2) The delegated competent authority may reduce the maximum number of permanence, except in the case of cohabitants. Coordination with the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System.
c3) The delegated competent authori…
[08:11, 27/10/2020] Noe: Por lo menos lo más importante un resumen...🙇🏻♀️
[08:22, 27/10/2020] Jim Simpson: Citizens who intend to write to the Town Hall should do so by electronic means preferably, through the electronic headquarters of the City Council: zurgena.sedelectronica.es.
Municipal employees whose functions and duties do not require physical presence in their respective centres, whenever possible, will carry out their tasks by teleworking.
FIFTH.- Taking into account the emergency of the situation and the uniqueness of the staff of the Zurgena City Council, different tasks may be assigned to staff than is their usual role.
SIX.- The Zurgena City Council will enable a service for the care of those elderly or disabled people who cannot be cared for by family members, and who are in a situation of confinement; to send them basic necessities, medicines ect ...
SEVENTH.- The following means of communication with the City Council are enabled:
jmartimo@zurgena.es eon84@hotmail.com
EIGHTH.- Continuance of the closure of municipal sports spaces, prohibiting their use until further notice.
Code Validation: 5JZF56W4FCDTHC3TTWE9RE54X | Verification: https://zurgena.sedelectronica.es/ Document signed electronically from the platform esPublico Gestiona | Page 3 of 4
Zurgena Town Hall
NINTH.- Continue with the closure of public parks and gardens, which must be sealed by the Local Police.
TENTH.- Maintain suspended and canceled all the events planned in the cultural field, as well as any type of celebratory events, promoted by this City Council.
ELEVEN.- No public premises will be assigned to third parties for any type of meeting or celebration (family reunions, birthdays, communions, etc ...)
TWELFTH.- It is recommended to avoid group meetings of more than SIX people, in the same way it is recommended to avoid concentrations of people in bars, shops and other establishments open to the public and especially in any closed space.
This Decree will be in force as long as the circumstances that motivated it continue, and may be modified to adapt them to new occurrences.
You are strongly requested to follow the instructions given by the health authorities and keep yourself informed through the usual communication channels.