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My email

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Today following a meeting I had with some insurance professionals I obtained details of their companies personal insurances for cars and homes.

Their companies´ offer is very good as it provides excellent cover at rates some 25% to 50% less than comparable companies. All policies and contacts are in English with english help support.

I do not personally endorse, on this blog, any company names but felt that this companies offer was so good for expats I would put anyone interested in contact with them.

So, when your house or car insurance is due, drop me an email or message and I will put you in touch with the appropriate person and you can see how much you may be able to save.

1 comment:

  1. It is nice to see an insurance company with affordable rates. As someone with a family, I`d much rather be able to put forth money for my children than insurance. Not to mention, having English contacts and support will be helpful for me if I have any issues in the future. I’d love to get in touch with this company!
