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Monday, January 23, 2017

Budget Setting & Health Application

Last Wednesday evening at 8.0pm we had a 2 hour meeting to discuss our plans for each areas´ budgets for 2017.  Each councillor presented their ideas and costings to the meeting and each intention was recorded and compared to the previous years budgets. There will now be a meeting between the Secretary and the Mayor to drill down into the figures and consider all budgets with a view to seeing which can be approved.

These budgets of course do not include the major road and infrastructure ideas which are subject of separate budgets agreed with the Junta de Andalucia.

Second point is there is a new Mobile Phone application for matters connected with health. Some of you may already use the website to make doctors appointments etc but this new app makes things even easier. The application is available for download from the Google Play Store or the Apple Store.

The application is called ´Salud Responde´ and has been commissioned by the Junta de Andalucia.

The site is in Spanish but it is very easy to use. I have just registered using my Health number and NIE number and checked my upcoming appointments. The functionality provides for making and amending appointments but there is much more to the app than that. If you decide to download it please let me know as I will try and see if we can get an english language version if sufficient interest.

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