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Thursday, September 22, 2016

Bad News - Los Llanos del Peral Communal Pozo Update

Following an inspection it appears that the ground around this pozo is saturated and the only course to remedy this situation being suggested is the installation of another pozo. The Councillor for Public Works can obtain a quote for that or the residents can if they wish.

Our application for the funding (a total of €80,000) to install a connection from this area to the main sewerage pipe has been turned down for this year. The reason the Junta gave for turning it down was they said that this was creating a new urban area. We did argue with them as we maintain it is not a new area, and it is included in our PGOU but they are adamant.


Sorry. To clarify I made the mistake of thinking that once our application had been submitted and accepted by the Diputacion that it was approved, but, when the official response comeback they had refused 3 out of our 9 applications, including the one.

Some of the residents have suggested that our assessment of the problem may still be faulty and that they wish to ensure that they have all the correct facts and are considering commissioning an expert to look at the problem. We are happy to support whatever course of action the residents wish to take and will help where we can.

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