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Monday, May 18, 2015

Polling Day Procedure

To help any of you who have not previously voted in our local elections, or who like me, have not such good memories, below is the procedure to follow on the day.

1. Attend the school in La Alfoquia or the Town Hall in Zurgena between 0900 and 2000 Sunday 24th May. The river dictates which polling station you go to. If south of the river it is the Pleno room in the Town Hall. If north of the river you go to the school down the road from where the Sunday market stands.

2. Go to the correct room and table to present yourself. This is shown on your voting card, if you received one, but if not do not worry not all eligible voters have received their cards and there will be a poster in the entrance to the polling station showing which room and table to go to. If you need to confirm before the date whether you are eligible to vote you can either call into the TH or send me an email.

3. At the table present your identification preferably your passport or NIE. (whichever has a photo id on) They will then mark you off their list to ensure no one else tries to vote in your name!

4. Go to the polling booth and select one ballot paper from the piles there. If you have a ballot paper in an envelope (which has been given you by the party you want to vote for) you may use that but check it is for the party you want to vote for (e.g. mine is PSOE)

5. Place your selected Party list into the envelope DO NOT mark it. Seal the envelope and take it to ballot box and place it in the box.

Thats it done.

I hope as many of you as possible vote in this election and I hope you will support the party on whose list my name appears e.g. PSOE. We carry 32% of the eligible votes in the town and that equates to almost 4 seats. 

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