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Thursday, March 20, 2014

PGOU & Street Signs

We had a lengthy meeting yesterday morning during which we went over our provisional PGOU. Those responsible for  drawing the plans up were there, including the main architect. He already had maps outlining all the areas and what we want to see as urban or urbanisable and including sewerage systems and pipework. We were basically checking that these plans reflect the areas and designations we want for the municipality and locating green areas and infrastructure etc.

The reason we hope to move things forward now is due to a decree which the Junta passed in 2012 which allows for the inclusion of areas under a rule of 'asentamiento'. Simply put this means that whereas previously, they would not accept any buildings which were built after 2000, they will now accept buildings, which are in existence. It still requires Plan Parcials for certain sectors which involves more work for the architect and all Camino Reales or Via Pecuarias have to be sacrosanct but we think we can draw up a plan which will be acceptable. Following this decrees' ruling we believe almost all properties can be incorporated into our PGOU and, the drawing up of this plan, has been done in agreement with the Junta and complying with their decree of 2012. Once we had finished with it the architect was taking it away to finalise it and he hopes to have it available for public examination and comment by the 15th April After which there will be  a 3 month period of consultation before it is submitted for approval by the Junta.  So we will hopefully have progress this year.

Secondly I have received requests for the following street signs to be ordered Calle Dinamarca, Calle Diego Gerrado, Calle Averroes, Calle Isaac Newton, Calle Carl Von Linneo, Calle Sierra de Cazorla y Las Villas, Calle Austria, Calle Palencia and Pasaje Canada del Herrero. This is the final time of asking if you or anyone you know has a street which does not have a name sign please let me lknow asap so that I can include it in the order.

Lastly the latest list of people who need to confirm they are on the padron are as follows,
Alan D J Bray,Rosalind J Ferrand, Christine Susan Filkins, Clive Filkins, Keith Porter, Jennifer Porter,Diane E Shaw, Joseph D Shaw, Jack C Smith, Jonathan M Such,Sadie A Such,Valerie A Veal.
I will try and contact thse individuals by telephone but in case I fail I am listing them here. If you know them please ask them to pop into the TH to confirm they should still be on the Padron. As usual it is purely a bureaucratic thing.

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