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Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Wednesday 16th January

Called in this morning to meet with Luis to discuss how to get maps, which the printers could use, to make up proper street plans of each area. We looked at a number of options and ended up with Luis having to do a whole load of alterations to our existing records to get them in a format which the printers could use. Luis kindly offered to do that work over the next week, maybe less, so that we could take the resulting maps to the printers and see how they can produce what we want. I am also awaiting quotes for the manufacture of cases in which to house these plans for the 7 previously identified areas.

Whilst there I asked about electricity for tomorrow. According to a friend there are signs in Arboleas tied to lamposts saying there will be no electricity in Arboleas or Zurgena tomorrow from 8.0am until 3.0pm. I asked all who were in the Town Hall and no one has heard anything about this. So I strongly suspect it is a mistranslation or some such.

I also asked again about charitable donations as I have now had a few people ask how or to whom they can donate items for charity. I was told that we need to speak with the lady from Social Services and I will try and sort that in the next week.

A bit of good news for the T.H. and that was that the 2nd quotation of the volume of soil to be removed from the landslip in Zurgena was totally incorrect an the original estimate was much more accurate. Thank goodness as that makes it much more affordable.

Applications for the contract to run the gym on La Alfoquia are being considered this week so hopefully it will reopen before too long.

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