I received a telephone call from Candido this morning asking me to attend a meeting in the Town Hall. I went straight in and found many of the Partido Andalucista party members there.
Candido explained that the reason for calling the meeting was to inform us of how the negotiations, for agreeing a new administration, had been progressing. He explained, day by day for the past week or so, what we and our negotiators had been doing. He also explained that, he had been aware of many meetings between PSOE and PP, which apparently many members of those parties (PP and PSOE) were not privy to, and that included the PPs No 2 on the list! He understood that rumours were going round the villages that PA had refused to deal with PP. He wanted us to know that that was a complete lie and he detailed all the efforts both he and our negotiator Manolo had made in attempting to speak with them and the offers they were willing to make, such as 2 years for each party as mayor, and support for PP as president of the Valley of Almanzora Communidad (the body which oversees all 14 of the municipalities in Almanzora valley). We had not got anywhere in trying to speak to them about our offer.
Rather than bore you with all the details, suffice it to say that it looks very much as if personal ambitions are trumping good local governance. It would appear that PSOE have agreed to support PP. Of all the likely outcomes this was the one I was most fearful of for many reasons, none least the attitude of the more powerful PSOE figures, to the expat community. There is little time left for any other negotiations to take place. The reason for this being that the appropriate fields of responsibility and plans for the next 4 years have to be formulated, by any other affiliation of parties, prior to the 1st Pleno of the new administration (this coming Saturday). I am led to believe that the PP party will be quite riven by this decision as many of their long standing members will be very much against such an association.
So it would seem that the party which gained the most votes in the elections (ours) will have no say in the government of the village for the next 4 years. The reduction in votes cast for PA, from the last election to this years, has obviously had a big impact on what the future holds for our village. I do hope that it is not too detrimental.
There is one last vestige of hope, which for obvious reasons I will not detail on such a public forum, but we will pursue that avenue.
I will obviously keep you posted as to any further developements and will keep the blog going until such time as it is of little or no value.
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