We have received the best bit of news that we could recently.
I was up in Costa Calida yesterday having a lovely meal with friends by the seaside when my mobile rang. It was the Town Hall to inform me that we had the 1st of our cases which has reached the highest court in the land in Madrid. The case involved the 100 or so houses built by Prodelor to the north of La Alfoquia. The judge in this court found in favour of the Town Hall, thereby creating a very valuable precedent for us. The process through the courts, of each of the cases, is as follows firstly, lower court hearing in Almeria, secondly an appeal to the higher court in Granada and finally the highest and last appeal court at Madrid. Not only that but the judge awarded costs against the Junta and the costs are very substantial well into 6 figures for all the solicitors etc.
Secondly the case to be heard in the 1st or 2nd week March against the Mayor and others has now been suspended. I understand this to be similar to our 'adjournement sine die'. I wonder if this has anything to do with the decision to find in favour of the Town Hall above!!
It is confirmed that the order for Andalucia Day is as follows 12 noon inauguration of the gymnasium followed by the get together/fiesta at the Renfe at 2.0pm. There will be a BBQ and drinks.
The survey has been agreed and Candido is to buy 500 envelopes for me to use as the ones in the Town Hall are stamped with the Town Hall logo and as this is a Partido Andalucista initiative we have to fund it from party funds.
I have details of about 6 people who have asked that I check out their situation regarding the court cases. I will supply the secretary with these details Monday for enquiries to be made.
Lastly for those of you, who are more fluent than me in Spanish, there is a gentleman from the village, who is our caped crusader (Juan Pardo) and who, because he was once imprisoned by a politically motivated politician, runs a blog to expose the underhand and dirty tricks which these other politicians get up to. His blog is at http://blogjuanpardo.blogspot.com I will try and interpret his latest points and put it on here when I can. (I have put a link on here which you can find in the sidebar on the right.(
We have another meeting tonight at which we have to decide who our No 1 candidate (eg potential Mayor should PA win sufficient seats) is to be.
Lastly an english performance in the Zurgena theatre as below
Los Companeros del Teatro
present at
The Teatro Municipal Zurgena
Two comedy one act plays
"White Lies"
by Richard James
"The Last Panto"
by David Tristram
Friday 4th March
Saturday 5th March
doors open 7pm - curtain up 7.30pm
tickets available, for your donation of 5€
Girasol 1 Stop Pool Shop Sabor Restaurant
Albox Longos Albox La Alfoquia
Tickets may also be available on the door.
Please phone, or email for availability
689 760 551 theatre01@hotmail.co.uk
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