We held a standard Pleno meeting this morning. Lasted from 12noon until 1.30pm. Nothing dramatic in the content, things such as, agreed date for next years Fiesta and various administrative things. After meeting went across the road to the bar where I had my usual discussion about outstanding issues with Candido (points listed below) at the conclusion of which the secretary, Jose, said words to the effect that I should not be bothering Candido with such things as I was a councillor and could approach the responsible person within the council directly. I told him that until recently I didn't know that a) I could do that or b) who the responsible person was but I would take it on board and where I knew the appropriate person would speak directly and save Candido's time.
Points discussed,
1. Provision of CD Rom of the outline Plan for the information of AUAN . To be supplied by secretary next week.
2. Electoral List in whatever form we can get it. Again to be supplied by the secretary next week.
3. The issue of all the missing street signs. I provided Candido with a short list as my original list is lost (if anyone is on a street without a sign please let me know and I will give it to Paco, sorry to have to ask again). The ones on my list today were, Calle Letonia, Chipre, Austria, Grecia and I said a few in Los Carasoles but didn't remeber the names. Please remind me.
4. Location for the Buzon for Los Carasole. Discussed and Candido is to speak with Anthonio as the place we feel best is on his land. I will communicate this to the organiser in Los Carasoles.
5. The lighting on Calle Rio Palancia not working. Paco to attend next week.
6. Parabolic mirror for junction of Cale Bosnia and Avenida Europa. To be chased up.
7. New Web Page for the Town Hall to be linked to this blog and vice versa. To discuss next week.
8. Potted road surface on entrance to Cucador. Paco to be directed to deal with.
As we were wrapping things up Salvadore wanted to speak to me. It transpires that we are getting close to being able to sort out the IBI bills. Salvadore has a number of meetings next week, at which he expects to get the authority signed off, for the Town Hall to start raising these bills. The problem is that there is a lot of work to be done. What will be needed is for each home owner to attend at the Town Hall with a copy of the Nota Simple. This form should show the square meterage of the property and needs to be checked against the inventory computer in the Town Hall. The home owner will then need to sign a front page of a Form 902 and the Town Hall will do the rest. As you can imagine this is going to be quite a bit of work. I have asked Salvadore that when he is ready for me to start on this work to let me know. I will then work through all the properties area by area and inform each individual home owner when it would be best for them to call into the Town Hall to progress it. As you all may know the retrospective aspect of IBI can only be to a maximum of 4 years and can only commence from the date the Licence of First Occupation was granted. In my case the licence was granted 5th January 2005 so the amount of back dated IBI can only be 4 years. I do not know, as there are so many factors which are taken into account to calculate the IBI, exactly what each home owner will need to pay per year (the last time I asked I was told roughly between 180 and 400 euros per annum but that was some time ago). I do not know how accurate that will be at the end of the day.
Also discovered that regarding the WiFi the Town Hall today took delivery of 5 UPS (uninterruptible power supply machines) which should greatly improve reliability when power outages occur. I also believe they are looking at installing a new aerial on Limaria which would greatly improve the coverage.
As usual any queries or clarification just drop me an email at jiminysimpson@gmail.com or call 661147554.
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