Todays reported Covid figure is of 116 active cases in Zurgena.
We are still awaiting the delivery of a load of tarmac which it is intended to repair some of our roads. It is hoped we will not have to wait to much longer!!
This is my blog of anything I consider worth communicating to anyone interested in the happenings in our small Spanish municipality. It is primarily communications of Town Hall issues but also may include other types of information if worthwhile. To contact me please click on this link
Todays reported Covid figure is of 116 active cases in Zurgena.
We are still awaiting the delivery of a load of tarmac which it is intended to repair some of our roads. It is hoped we will not have to wait to much longer!!
Another small increase today with a total of 115 active registered infections in our municipality.
Hopefully the increasing rate of infection seems to have slowed as the total recorded today is 112 just one more than yesterday.
Whilst I appreciate that these figures are the official figures and do not reflect private individuals, who have tested positive in their homes and not informed authorities, it does show the continued prevalence of the infection.
Hopefully I can start to have more interesting posts in the near future!
Figures still rising up to 111 active cases today!
I am trying to find any available post boxes in those on La Vida car park, as I have number of new residents wanting one.
I have been trying to get an up to date list but this proving difficult. If you know of any not being used please let me know.
Still rising - total of 81 active cases in Zurgena today. (amended from update)
After no figures for the weekend we now have a total of 75 active cases in the municipality.
The increase takes into account all new infections over the weekend.
This link is to the TV programme shown on Canal Sur yesterday about our area.
For the information of anyone intereste
Access to Palaces across the Almanzora River will remain closed today and tomorrow due to maintenance work.
Continuing to rise with a total of 59 cases active of Covid in Zurgena as of today.
Below is copied from info site
The Public Health Commission approves the administration of the third dose of memory of the covid-19 vaccine to people between 18 and 39 years old. Orderly in age groups and prioritizing people with risk conditions and those who completed the guidelines longer.
Similarly, the interval for memory doses is being modified in people who completed their guidelines with the ARNM vaccine. People with complete guidelines Pfizer or Modernna will be able to receive memory doses at 5 months compared to the current 6 months.
The fourth dose has also been approved at 5 months of having received the third for those people who are included in Group 7 or who receive treatment with immune-pressuring drugs, i.e. immune-depressed, oncological patients, per sounds with Down syndrome, HIV, transplants, or cystic fibrosis.
Todays figure shows 55 active cases in Zurgena municipality.
I was obviously wrong in my hope that it was starting to level off or drop!
On Saturday the 15th January there is a programme on Canal Sur where they are travelling through the Almanzora valley with special looks at Zurgena, Albox and Cantoria. Discovering a heritage formed by railway stations, side routes, bridges and a green path where the old locomotives circulated.
If you can get Canal Sur it is on at 1400 hours.
Just received this
The professionals of our medical offices have informed us that tomorrow morning from 9:30 a.m. at 1:00 p.m. all those over 60 years of age, who have not yet received the 3rd dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, may do so at the Huércal-Overa Fairgrounds WITHOUT prior appointment.
‼ They ask us to advise you to use FFP2 masks in public places before the use of any other masks
Todays figures show 44 active cases in Zurgena. 1 case better than yesterday fingers crossed we have reached the peak for Omicron.
I have been made aware of a number of rumours doing the rounds regarding people being suspected of being positive and failing to adhere to the quarantine rules.
The process is being managed by the Police. The health authority notify the Police on a daily basis of all known Covid positive results. These are recorded by both the Health Authority and the Police. The Police then actively monitor those cases and take action if anyone should transgress the rules. As you may have noticed from a previous post the fine for the first such transgression is €3,000.
It is exceedingly important that people do not spread unsubstantiated rumours about suspected positive cases as this can have a huge impact both on the person or a business. If you hear of any such rumours let me know and I will inform the Police who can and do act on them. They also act on people putting out false information.
The sources for accurate information are the Junta de Andalucia, their web page, the Covid 19 Almeria webpage and NOT Joe Bloggs from up the road.
I repost below the latest information regarding the availability of ARNm for those who qualify. I have copied it verbatim through a translation app so not sure about the total accuracy of the translation but it conveys what the authorities are offering.
Anyone aged 54 or older (born 1967 or before) can request an appointment to receive a memory dose with ARNm (Modern or Pfizer)* vaccines, considering a number of points detailed below. People between the ages of 40 and 53 will be able to get vaccinated soon (will be announced via official channels).PRE-VACATION PRE-VICTION-> PFIZER or MODERNA Vaccine PRECEDENT: For people who were vaccinated in their day with 2 doses of Pfizer or Modern vaccine, it must have been at least 6 months since the last dose to be able to receive this 3rd dose of memory , what can it be both Modern and Pfizer. Both ARNM vaccine options are valid and equally effective and safe in these cases, and can currently be exchanged.-> ASTRAZENECA ANTECEDENT: For people who received on their day 2 doses of AstraZeneca vaccine, it must have been at least 3 months since the last dose of AstraZeneka to receive the memory dose with the Modern or Pfizer vaccine. Both ARNM vaccine options are valid and equally effective and safe in these cases, and can currently be exchanged.-> ASTRAZENECA ANTECEDENT + PFIZER / MODERNA: for people who received a dose of AstraZeneca and after a dose of Pfizer or Modern, it must have been at least 6 months since this last dose of Pfizer or Moderna to receive the new a dose of memory that can be so much of Modern as of Pfizer. Both ARNM vaccine options are valid and equally effective and safe in these cases, and can currently be exchanged.-> JANSSEN PRECEDENT: For people who received a dose of Janssen, it must have been at least 3 months since seven doses of Janssen to receive the dose of memory that could be both from Modern and Pfizer. Both ARNM vaccine options are valid and equally effective and safe in these cases, and can currently be exchanged.-> WHAT TO DO IF COVID-19 HAS ALREADY PASSEDIn people aged 60 or older who have already been diagnosed with COVID-19 previously, either with symptoms or without symptoms, the following will be acted:-> People over 65: They will be vaccinated the same as if they had not passed COVID-19, whether they have passed COVID before the first dose, between the first and the second dose, or after the second dose. In case they have recently passed COVID, they will be able to get a third dose if they are well and are not in isolation.->People aged 65 or less: it will depend on whether the infection has passed before or after vaccination, and which vaccine would have been put:->Infection before the start of the vaccination process: people who were administering one or two doses of vaccine after the infection, the ARNm vaccine recall dose (which can be both Modern and Pfizer)* will be administered once past s at least 6 months since the last dose in which case it was out of ARNm (Moderna or Pfizer), or at least 3 months if it was from AstraZeneca or Janssen.-> Infection after the first or second dose of vaccination: the memory dose of ARNm vaccine will be given, which will be both Modern and Pfizer*, if it has been at least 4 weeks since he suffered or was diagnosed with COVID-19.OTHER SPECIAL CASESHere's how the memory dose will be managed in more specific cases:-> People aged 54 or older vaccinated with only one dose of Pfizer: they will receive a second dose of ARNm (Moderna or Pfizer) vaccine if they have passed at least 21 days. After this 2nd vaccine, you will receive a memory dose of ARNm vaccine, which will be both Modern and Pfizer*, after at least 6 months.-> People aged 54 or older vaccinated with only one dose of Modernia: they will receive a second dose of ARNm (Modern or Pfizer) vaccine if they have passed at least 28 days. After this 2nd vaccine, they will receive the memory dose of ARNm vaccine, which will be both Modern and Pfizer*, after at least 6 months.-> People aged 54 or older vaccinated with only one dose of AstraZeneca: they will receive a second dose of ARNm (Modern or Pfizer) vaccine if they have passed at least 8 weeks. After this 2nd vaccine, they will receive the memory dose of ARNm vaccine, which will be both Modern and Pfizer*, after at least 6 months.HOW TO ASK FOR A QUOTEPeople aged 54 or older (both those with public and private insurance) can make an appointment through the usual self-quoting channels: the Click Health+ website, the Health Respond App, calling Health Respond, or through the S Center Hello. This is the most recommended option.People in their 60s or older can also go directly to a specific vaccination point without an appointment.·See original·Rate th