There has been much discussion about the position of UK expats resident in Spain and their UK driving licence. There is news that the Spanish government are requiring such drivers to exchange their UK licences of Spanish ones from 1st November. In view of this I have copied below the advice from the website regarding UK driving licences in Spain. You can sign up for the email alerts on the UK website The link below includes this.
UK residents Driving Licence in Spain
Read our guidance for UK licence-holders about:
The British and Spanish governments are negotiating on long-term arrangements for exchanging driving licences without needing a practical test. Sign up for email alerts to get notified when we update this page.
If you were living in Spain before 1 January 2021, your valid UK driving licence will be recognised for driving in Spain until 31 December 2021.
If you moved to Spain after 1 January 2021, your valid UKlicence will be recognised for 6 months from the date you obtained residence, or until 31 December 2021, whichever is later.
If you live in Spain, you must exchange your UK driving licence for a Spanish one. You cannot use an International Driving Permit (IDP) instead.
What you need to do depends if you registered your details and intention to exchange with the Spanish Traffic Authority (DGT) before 30 December 2020. Read the Spanish Traffic Authority’s (DGT) guidance on using and exchanging licences in Spain (in Spanish, with English translation).
If you registered your details with the Spanish Traffic Authority (DGT) before 30 December 2020
If you lived in Spain before 1 January 2021 and registered your details and intention to exchange with the DGT before 30 December 2020, you should request an appointment with the DGT to exchange your UKlicence by 31 December 2021.
You will need:
- proof you are registered as a resident in Spain (eg. TIE - Tarjeta de Identidad de Extranjero; green EUresidence certificate)
- your UK licence
Read the DGT’s guidance on how to get an appointment(in Spanish with English translation).
The DGT will exchange your UK licence for a temporary driving permit (‘autorizaciĆ³n temporal para conducir’) until your Spanish licence is ready. This document is valid in Spain only.
If you did not register your details with DGT before 30 December 2020
If you did not register with DGT before 30 December 2020 and wish to obtain a Spanish driving licence now, you should follow the DGT process for non-EUnationals. This includes taking a driving test.
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