We continue to have no new infections and therefore no active cases in our village.
Keep it up.
This is my blog of anything I consider worth communicating to anyone interested in the happenings in our small Spanish municipality. It is primarily communications of Town Hall issues but also may include other types of information if worthwhile. To contact me please click on this link jiminysimpson@gmail.com
We continue to have no new infections and therefore no active cases in our village.
Keep it up.
Today we have no new cases, one recovery and therefore no active cases in the municipality.
Hope it stays that way.
It was originally envisaged the supply would be back on by 13000 but Galasa now inform us that the current interruption to the water supply is to be extended. The failure affects the General Network and is located under the bridge, next to the Calafa, which makes the necessary work to solve it more difficult. Sorry for the inconvenience. They are working as fast as they can to finish as soon as possible.
They now estimate 2200 but I think that may be difficult.
Below the latest Vaccination Poster/Inform. Remember, if it applies to you, you will need your NIE and Medical Number.
Today we have 2 recoveries and no new infections so a total of 7 active Covid cases.
The below amended measures issued today by the Junta ;
We wish to inform you that next Saturday, May 8, between 7:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. it will be necessary to divert traffic on the A-334 towards Albox between the intersection of El Cucador and the La Alfoquía junction, located at P.K. 79. The alternative route will be through the A-1101 and the La Alfoquía crossing, from where you can access the A-334 again at the indicated link. We attach plans of the planned detour.
The reason for the temporary diversion is the placement of the fastening elements of the framework for the deck of a running bridge. Once this activity is finished, the traffic will be restored to its current state.
It seems we have another new case of Covid today taking out total active cases to 10, with no recoveries.
I have shown below a poster relevant to a meeting which will be held to provide assistance for anyone struggling with the necessary paperwork post Brexit.
It is posted purely for information. I am not endorsing it or recommending it.
I had difficulty copying it over, or even screenshooting it so, if you are having difficulty seeing the print, it says, ¨If you arrived in Spain before the 31st December 2020 and are struggling with the residency process or have not started yet we are here to help you. Thursday 27th May 2021 Almanzora Group of Friends Library Albox Plaza San Anthonio Albox. Book your appointment now email UKnationalsSP@lom.int email subject Albox Appointment. Individual legal advice for UK nationals to apply for residency and TIE.
As previously stated I am only posting information from that which I receive. Where there is a translation of test it is a straight Google Translation of the text I am sent.
Those (born in the relevant years) of ALL AGSNA will be vaccinated in HUÉRCAL OVERA.
It is VERY IMPORTANT to attend the APPOINTMENT TIME to avoid unnecessary queues.
If they go outside the appointment hours, they may not be attended, except for justified exceptions, until the time that corresponds to them.
All the information in the attached photos.
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Copied from the Almeria North Health Authority
Today is a good day. After more than a year of pandemic, it's the first day that tracking activity doesn't produce any positive at AGS North Almeria.