This is my blog of anything I consider worth communicating to anyone interested in the happenings in our small Spanish municipality. It is primarily communications of Town Hall issues but also may include other types of information if worthwhile. To contact me please click on this link
My email
Thursday, April 29, 2021
Todays Cases
Bad news I am afraid our infection rate has jumped from 3 active cases to 9 and increase of 6 new infections.
Everyone must be careful and follow the guidelines.
Vaccinations Today
I am really sorry about this but getting the correct information out is proving extremely difficult and conflicting so that I cannot nor the TH get definitive information..
They are now saying only those born in 1950!
I said (again) what about those in the interim years and they said they will be called later!!!!!
If it was me I would go today and ask.
In view of the many comments and emails I have received I have decided that I will not communicate any further information regarding the vaccine programme. People can avail themselves of the information through the usual Spanish media channels of FB, Health Authorities etc.
Yes the information has proved again to be incorrect! If you have not yet gone do not go. People are being told after a long wait that they have to wait for an SMS.
Wednesday, April 28, 2021
Update on Restrictions
The Authority managing the restrictions for the pandemic have agreed to open the provincial borders between the 8 provinces of Andalucia from midnight tonight.
The new rules are as follows;
1. Throughout Andalucia the provincial perimeters will be open. So you can travel to Malaga Jaen etc but travel outside of the provinces of Andalucia remain and are not yet permitted.
2. Community perimeter closure in cases with high infection.
3. Curfew 23-6 h.
4. Close trade 22.30 h.
4. Hotel and bars closure 23 h. (whenever curfew is respected)
5. Gatherings 6 people outside and 4 inside
No change to our state of infections still 3 active cases
Vaccine for those born between 1945 and 1955
The below poster was circulated today. I have confirmed with the secretary that it applies to all those who are resident in Spain and born between 1945 and 1955 to attend at the Sports Centre Huercal Overa this Thursday between the hours shown.
You should only need your NIE certificates. On attendance you may be vaccinated there and then or they may ask you to return at a later date/time as is what happened to Jose Manuals father last week!
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Tuesday, April 27, 2021
Todays Covid
Covid stats for today same as yesterday - 3 active cases - no recoveries - no new infections.
Sunday, April 25, 2021
Sad News
The father of our Mayor (Francisco Diaz Perez) died yesterday at the age of 73 years. He had suffered illness recently
He was a well respected and hugely popular gentleman.
Our thoughts are with Luis and his family at this sad time.
Friday, April 23, 2021
Covid Update
Todays figures show 3 active cases although one of these is recorded is a Zurgenero that person is not in. the village at the moment.
We need to stay considered and safe.
Thursday, April 22, 2021
Vaccination Next Stages and 1New Infection!!
Firstly we have our first new infection yesterday in the village. Be careful people.
The totals are as follows;
Below copied from the Covid Almeria Facebook page for your information
The Andalusian Board will start tomorrow to inoculate using the Janssen vaccine to 70-year-olds, following the completion of the new safety assessment conducted by the EMA and after its approval within the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System assembled this afternoon in which Health and Families Counselor Jes Jesúss Aguirre participated. In particular, Andalusia will administer the 26.150 doses of this laboratory that have been received today. Despite this, the counselor has requested within the Council that, once this group is covered, the possibility of administering this vaccine in persons under 70. should be evaluated.
Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Convenio for Vaccine fo Non Resident Ex Pats
Following the recent progress with the vaccination programme I have now obtained clarification of a process for those people who are non resident but who may be in Spain at a holiday home or whatever but have an NIE.
If you are non resident and not on the Spanish Health system you need to complete this form and take it to Huercal Overa Health Centre BUT, to assist you, we have set up a process which will help you.
If you fall into this category if you call into the Town Hall between 1000 and 1130 any Monday, Thursday or Friday, Jose Manuel will assist you in completing the form and if you take a copy of your NIE he will copy that and hand it to Maribel with the completed form who will take the completed forms to the Health Centre and hand them in. This should ensure you are added to the list for vaccination.
Road Closure tomorrow
We have just been informed that tomorrow, Wednesday April 21, the Al-1101 road at the junction with El Cucador will be closed from 7:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. approximately.
The reason for this is the extension of a new layer of chippings.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Monday, April 19, 2021
My sincere apologies about the confusion of the previous post.
The information I put on it was what I had been told but then it was changed, to show that it was only relevant to those 80 years or over or born prior to 1942.
They are working through the next youngest age group and they will do another announcement when they need to round up any they have missed.
Once again apologies.(and particularly to Andres who was inundated with people wanting new Padrons!).
Vaccination Update
All ex pat residents of Zurgena who are resident, who have their NIE, medical card and Padron and have not yet been called can attend at the Sports Centre between 1630 and 2000 this Wednesday 21st April with the above documentation.
If you are not resident there is a form you can complete at the Health Centre at Huercal Overa which will enable you to obtain the vaccination. It is called a convenio The same applies to those on private health insurance.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
Great News re Railway
Thanks to the indomitable and enthusiastic spirit of Rafael and Max, the Railway project is at last taking shape and making progress.
Besides many other ideas which include the renovation of some of the infrastructure at the station, which has been agreed and a project to remake the railway line between Zurgena and Huercal Overa has been agreed for submission.
So any of you residents who have in interest is seeing our Railway history come back to life and provide a fabulous destination for visitors please come along to the Emergency General Meeting this Saturday at 1130am at the Renfe to hear from the main players of their plans.
Monday, April 12, 2021
Current Covid Restrictions for Andalucia & Vaccine for those on Private Medical & End of State of Alarm
This is the current state of play regarding restrictions in Andalucia.-
Following a meeting of the committee last night, Andalucia will maintain its current measures against Covid-19. The curfew will continue between 11pm and 6am. No more than 6 people at a meeting outdoors or in homes, 4 in bars, perimeter closure of provinces and inter-regional boundaries to stay in place.
I have shown below the rules regarding all the other activity restrictions which apply to areas in Level 2 which applies to us.
It was a simple question. 'I have private medical insurance and a green residence certificate, will I be informed when I can go for my Covid injection?' The answer turned out not so simple. There is a provision made for people in that category. First you must complete and print a form. I have put the link below. Then you take it with your TIE or green certificate of residence, an impadronamiento certificate dated within the last three months, and your private insurance card or certificate, to your local health centre. Take copies of everything. You will be put on the list and dealt with when your age group is due for the injection.
Link to Form for Private Medical Patients Vaccine
Pedro Sanchez, Spain's president, has announced that the State of Alarm in Spain will end on the 9th May 2021. Autonomous Communities will continue to make decisions regarding restrictions of travel, curfews etc. based on decisions made by the Interterritorial Health Council. On May 9 the Interterritorial Health Council will have full powers to establish possible measures against the virus without having to abide by the State of Alarm decree. So, in Andalucia, the state of alarm may be over but we have no idea yet if restrictions are going to be lifted or eased.
Saturday, April 10, 2021
Padel Players
The Town Hall is considering running a Padel tennis league.
If you or anyone you know fancies taking part we are asking if any interested contact the Town Hall (or myself or Jose Manuel) prior to 14th April with names. Only condition over 14 years of age.
They will need a minimum of 8 couples taking part to start it.
Friday, April 9, 2021
Football Pitch and Car Tax
The football is to reopen from Monday next and below are the details
🔔The 7-a-side football field now has a new protection netting to prevent the balls from being thrown from the field and causing some kind of damage to the neighbours property.
New anchor points have been installed to provide more solidity to the structure and to be able to adequately hold the 7m net that has been installed.
✔️From today you can rent the soccer field to enjoy this sport ⚽️
📲For reservations: 679922186 (Enrique)
✅ Fee: € 30 / game
✅ Account number for income:
ES18 3058 0022 81 2732 000055
This years car tax is payable now. If you call into the Town Hall and ask Andres he can print it off for you to pay at the bank.
Wednesday, April 7, 2021
Blood Donors
The Spanish Blood Donations vehicle will be available at the Town >Hall on Monday 12th April from 1730 x 2030. For information of those who are donors.
Sunday, April 4, 2021
Vaccination Strategy
The latest strategy document for vaccination in Spain. Apologies for the translation it was copied from their FB page.
The Ministry of Health has updated the vaccination strategy paper in Spain. On this occasion, you have defined the patients who will take priority within group 7: Under 60 years of age with high risk conditions, which will be vaccinated in parallel with group 5 B (persons between 70 and 79 years) and will be inoculated with the same drug as these, ′′ although they can receive any other vaccine available