I am greatly indebted to one of our readers for the below information which I believe is very important to all UK nationals living in Spain.
¨I have discovered that there is some confusion about EHIC cards (access to healthcare when travelling to other European countries. TH UK govt. website is unclear on whether those of us holding a current EHIC card, which does not expire until well past December 31st this year, need to apply for a new one valid from 1st January 2021.
I have discovered that the answer to this is YES you do. I discovered this by going through the online application process and found that any current EHIC card is not valid after the 31st December 2020.The application form is short and questions clear. When you hit the submit button, you receive an onscreen acceptance of your application with your own reference number (make a note of it). This is followed up immediately with an email confirming that your application has been accepted and that your new card will be sent to you. The webpage for this is at
EHIC Card 2021
I questioned whether this would be correct as I thought it necessary to apply for the EHIC card in the country you resided but our reader sent me the reply from the Govt.
Thank you for your application for a new UK European Health Insurance Card (EHIC).
Your application has been successful.
Your new EHIC will be issued before 31 December 2020. Prior to 1 January 2021, you can continue to use your current EHIC (if you have one) when visiting any country within the EEA or Switzerland, other than the country in which you live and the UK.
You will be able to use your new card as soon as you get it, for travel before the end of 2020 and from 1 January 2021.
From 1 January 2021, you will continue to access healthcare in your country of residence using your S1 entitlement. However, you should use your new EHIC when visiting any other country in the European Economic Area (EEA) or Switzerland. This will provide you with access to medically necessary, state-funded healthcare at the same rate as a resident of that country.
To use your EHIC, you will need to present it to the treatment facility you are attending. Please note, as now, you may be required to pay a patient contribution depending on the country you are receiving treatment in.
If you have not received your new EHIC by 31 December 2020, you can contact us on +44 (0)191 218 1999 and speak to Overseas Healthcare Services for further advice.
The most important point is that you need to apply asap given the shortage of time!
On another matter I have had a request from some of our poorer Spanish neighbours that if anyone has a spare Xmas tree they would be grateful to receive it. So if you have such a thing eg a spar Xmas tree let me know and I will arrange collection.
The UK Govt website is unclear on whether those of us