This is my blog of anything I consider worth communicating to anyone interested in the happenings in our small Spanish municipality. It is primarily communications of Town Hall issues but also may include other types of information if worthwhile. To contact me please click on this link
My email
Friday, August 28, 2020
Covid Update Friday 28th August
Covid Testing Programme How To
The below information is posted on here for information from a neighbour who felt it was worthwhile sharing.
"Our situation was that we had been in contact with an asymptomatic person who later developed symptoms and subsequently tested positive for covid-19.
Au Revoir
This will probably be my last post from my Spanish home as we leave Spain this Saturday 29th August.
However it is not the end, as our Mayor Luis, has asked that I maintain the blog and the mobile phone app as long as I can and also to maintain electronic and mobile communication with the ex pat community. So I will continue to receive and action emails, messages or phone calls, albeit that my phone will be in England but still the same number.
To ensure you all know who you can get help from I have listed below the contacts that are available including my own
1. Jim Simpson mobile and WhatsApp +34 610194260 or email
2. Jose Manuel mobile and WhatsApp 687531499 or email
3. Andreas Bonillo (during office hours only) mobile and WhatsApp 647732887 email
4. Angela (during office hours only) mobile and WhatsApp 622514929 or email
In addition to the above (who are all bilingual) the technical architect in the Town Hall speaks English and if it a serious enough issue, the Mayor Luis Diaz Garcia will attend to you.
So for the future still contact me if you want assistance, I may not be as quick in responding as previously, but will endeavour to answer all messages. Otherwise please use the people mentioned above.
Lastly I would like to thank all of you who have sent gifts, cards and letters of appreciation. All gratefully received and to know so many of you took the time to do so makesl the past 13 years work worthwhile. Thanks but I am not completely gone!!
Pool Bar area Holiday Home owners
In an effort to try and ensure we have the necessary details to communicate with all holiday home owners regarding the consolidation process we need to have their contact details in their home countries.
If you own a holiday home in the area that is currently being processed (pool bar area Calle Petunia/Clavel/Sierra de Hornachuelos/Sierra de Cardena y Montoyo/Crisantemo/Gardenia/Sierra de Grazalema) for consolidation and you have not previously provided these can you send me the full names of the owner/s with NIE numbers, home country telephone, email addresses and physical UK address. I shall collate these and give them to the staff who are working on it.
Thursday, August 27, 2020
Covid Update
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Covid Update
The Zurgena city council reports the confirmation of 2 new active cases of Covid-19 in our municipality.
The two affected have been spoken to and they are well and are confined to their homes.
We once again call on all our citizens to act responsibly and remind you all of the importance of complying with security and protection measures. As well as asking that the information be treated with the utmost sensibility and that people do not promote false information in the face of a problem as serious as this Pandemic, causing unnecessary harm to both those affected and their families.
From the City Council of Zurgena we remind you, once again, of the instructions of the Ministry of Health and Family, where they informs us: “that strict confidentiality must be kept at all times regarding the information provided relative to the health of the residents of the municipality, not having make this list public or make it known in any case to third parties outside the notification and control requested in accordance with the provisions of the General Data Protection Regulation, Regulation 216/679 and Organic Law 3/2018, of 5 December, Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights ”.
The first case detected in the municipality has already recovered and we trust that the same will happen with these two new cases.
The City Council will notify of any evolution that occurs and continue with the disinfection of streets and the new distribution of masks.
Road Closure
The short cut road which leads through the back of Cucador under the bridge to the main road will be closed from today due to the road works.
Sorry for the inconvenience
Monday, August 24, 2020
Does anyone know a Mrs H Blake?
I discovered a brand new unsigned bank card on my entrance gate this morning but I do not know of anyone by that name. If you do please get them to contact me. If no contact is made by end of the week I will inform the bank to cancel the card.
Tuesday, August 18, 2020
A Long Shower
Now that is a bit different for a heading!
The reason I used it is because I am exceedingly angry at the inconsiderate, thoughtless and lazy idiots we have amongst our community.!
I have always tried to be considered in my posts but over the years these people have got me (and others) to the point where we need to tell it like it is.
We have, as I have often alluded to, a most excellent way of dealing with our waste, easy and more convenient than the UK and possibly the thing I will miss most when I leave here! However it seems a number of our residents seem to care little for how our areas look and in fact behave downright dangerously.
I am referring to the way people discard rubbish. In this instance at the bottle bank on La Vida car park. I have shown below pictures of before I spent over an hour tidying up. I am not looking for plaudits just trying to ensure that you all know to keep an eye out for people dumping rubbish by the side of recycling bins and to report them. This particular bottle bank was full over a week ago. So I, like many others, took our bottles to the next nearest one which is in Cucador village and was almost empty. However as you can see lots of people could not be bothered. Even worse there was at least 6 bags of general rubbish and food waste dumped there, hence the need for the long shower
The reason I felt compelled to tidy it up was that the glass bottles lying there could easily roll into the bushes and in the middle of a heatwave start a fire. So it was not purely a charitable act as I don't fancy losing my house before I move.
In every case if the receptacle that you intend to use is full PLEASE PLEASE take it to then next one
Sunday, August 16, 2020
New Measures announceded Effective from tomorrow
First. Modification of point 1 of the third section of the Order of June 19, 2020.
Point 1 of the third section of the Order of June 19, 2020 is modified, which is worded as follows:
"one. General prevention obligations.
1.1. Obligations of caution and protection.
Citizens must adopt the necessary measures to avoid the generation ofrisks of spreading the COVID-19 disease, as well as one's own exposure to these risks. This duty of caution and protection will also be required of the holders of any activity. Likewise, the safety and hygiene measures established by the health authorities for the prevention of COVID-19 must be respected.
In the event of an epidemic outbreak and when so decided by the competent public health authority, the health services will screen with PCR tests in those populations at risk and potentially exposed.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, it is recommended that citizens limit social encounters outside the stable coexistence group, and that these be limited to a maximum of 10 people.
1.2. Interpersonal safety distance.
The measure to maintain the interpersonal safety distance established by Royal Decree-Law 21/2020, of June 9, on urgent prevention, containment and coordination measures to face the health crisis caused by COVID-19 must be complied with. , of at least 1.5 meters, as well as the measures on the use of the mask established in the Order of July 14, 2020, on the use of the mask and other preventive measures in public health to address to the coronavirus (COVID-19) and by which the Order of June 19, 2020 is modified.
Smoking may not be allowed on public roads or in outdoor spaces when a minimum interpersonal distance of at least 2 meters cannot be respected. This limitation will also apply to the use of any other device for inhaling tobacco, water pipes, hookahs or similar, including electronic cigarettes or vaping. "
Second. Modification of letter a) of point 6 of the sixth section of the Order of June 19, 2020.
Letter a) of point 6 of the sixth section of the Order of June 19, 2020 is modified, which is worded as follows:
«A) The companies will be competent to assess the risk of exposure of workers in each of the differentiated tasks they perform and in the
Legal Deposit: SE-410/1979. ISSN: 2253 - 802X
Extraordinary no. 51 - Sunday, August 16, 2020
Official Gazette of the Junta de Andalucía
page 5
different scenarios in which they can be developed. Likewise, the recommendations issued on the matter by the occupational risk prevention service must be followed, following the guidelines and recommendations issued by the health authorities. In any case, these workers who return from leave and vacations, as well as the new workers who join the center, will have to have a PCR for COVID-19 with a negative result 72 hours in advance at most. "
Third. Modification of paragraph 2 of letter b) of point 1 of the seventh section of the Order of June 19, 2020.
Paragraph 2 of letter b) of point 1 of the seventh section of the Order of June 19, 2020 is modified, in its wording given in the Order of August 13, 2020, which is worded as follows:
«2nd In all other situations, family visits to residential centers will be allowed, if the epidemiological situation together with certain characteristics of the center, such as the isolation capacity and the availability of its own health professionals, do not indicate a restriction or suspension thereof. In any case, the visit will last a maximum of one hour a day. "
Fourth. Modification of the thirteenth section of the Order of June 19, 2020.
1. Points 1, 2 and 3 of the thirteenth section of the Order of June 19 are modified, in its wording given by the Order of July 29, 2020, which is worded as follows:
"one. Hospitality establishments may not exceed 75% of the maximum capacity for consumption inside the premises, except for special hospitality establishments with music defined in section III.2.7.c) of the Catalog of Public Shows, Recreational Activities and Public Establishments. of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia, approved by Decree 155/2018, of July 31, that they may not exceed 60% of their capacity, although, in the event that they are dedicated exclusively to the consumption of beverages, they will not be authorized to opening.
2. Consumption within the premises may be carried out at the bar or sitting at a table, or groups of tables, ensuring the maintenance of the proper safety distance.
Friday, August 14, 2020
New Smoking Rule
Smoking will now be totally banned at all outdoor places, including the street and specifically bar/restaurant terrace areas where any person is sitting or standing less than 2 metres from the nearest other person (whether at the same table or not).
Consolidation Update
Just a word to update people regarding the consolidation process for the 2 areas in the Jardines del Almanzora development.
I am advised that at this stage the first half have been formalised and published and the second half should be processed through this part soon. Once they have both been formalised and published the work to commence the documentary process will be given to a third party company and they will contact the property owners. It is anticipated this will all take about another 12 months!
Land Clearing below Swimming Pool area La Alfoquia
I have received a number of emails querying what is happening on the land at the rear of the swimming pool on the Jardines del Almanzora developement.
I am advised that this is merely land clearing by the owner of the land. There are no permissions granted yet for building on the land.
Thursday, August 6, 2020
Update on Local Case
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Local Case of Covid
Monday, August 3, 2020
Bando - Public Notice
Saturday, August 1, 2020
Surprise Party