Update. 14th November
I am now aware that some people are receiving letters from the Electoral Census office which requests that they complete and return to ensure they are eligible to vote. I then asked the obvious question, ¨Why, if there is already in existence a database of eligible voters, can we not have a copy?¨This would obviously make the task of ensuring those who could be eligible are eligible. I was told that no we do not have access to that database. So in order to ensure all residents who are eligible to vote are so registered we will continue to go door to door but, if you are passing the Town Hall, pop in and ask for a copy of the census form. If stuck I have copies the desk outside my office as you go through the door at the top of the stairs on the desk. If you complete the form and leave a copy of your NIE for my attention I will ensure it is processed. Then if you receive any corespondence from the Census Office you can ignore if you have completed as above.
Additionally if you are in the UK at the moment and wish to ensure you are eligible to vote please contact me with your UK address and I will send a copy of the form which needs completion and if you return to me at the following address with a copy of your NIE I will ensure it is registered. Ayuntamiento de Zurgena, Calle Meson 1, Zurgena, Almeria CP04650. Alternatively I can email you a copy which, if you can scan a copy, sign and send back with a copy of your NIEI will register.
I am now aware that the Office of the Electoral Census is sending out letters to people to complete and return to confirm they can vote. I then asked the obvious question? If they have a database of all those they know to be reg
As of this moment all home owners are eligible to vote in the local and European elections in 2019. I do not envisage this changing as a result of Brexit until possibly 2020, if at all. There are various committees here in Andalucia studying options for us all post Brexit.
Here in Zurgena the current administering team under the leadership of Luis Diaz Garcia (and within the Political Party of PSOE) has been working very well (I hope you agree) and it is my understanding that he will be leading a team again to stand in the 2019 local elections which are due in May (no definitive date yet). No opposition has yet declared their intention to compete but I am sure there will be a few parties trying. The current team is probably one of the most active in support of its expat community in all of Southern Spain.
There is a rule in Spain which covers the registration of foreigners to vote in this, and the European, elections. Basically if you are registered on the Padron you ALSO need to ensure that you have signed a form requesting the right to vote PRIOR to the 1st December.
Jose Manuel and I will trying to visit every house during the next month to try and visit everyone and obtain their completed forms.
It would help me and the Town Hall if everyone who is unsure whether they have the right to vote call into the Town Hall at some stage during November and sign the appropriate form. All that is needed is this form and a copy of your NIE.
Please take the time to do this and help us provide the continuing support of the expat community that we currently do.