Below is a translated version of a press article released yesterday by the Town Hall of Zurgena regarding the state of our PGOU.
This explains what the current situation is and identifies what further work is required to complete the PGOU. This additional work is currently under way and it is hoped that all requirements, for the full approval, will be completed as soon as possible.
16.01.18. The municipality of Zurgena begins a new and historical stage after the final approval of its General Plan of Urban Planning (PGOU) by the Territorial commission of Urbanism. This is the achievement of a historical process for the city of Zurgena that will allow the future growth of the municipality within the security and urban normality.
The document approved by the Junta de Andalucía contemplates the consolidated urban land of the historical nuclei of the municipality as the town of Zurgena, Chicago, La Alfoquía, El Cucador and Palacés. Other nuclei of the municipality, such as Los Menchones and the Llanos del Peral, are pending only on the approval by the Board of the corrections sent by the city Council and which presuppose the completion of the last procedures corresponding to the Local administration.
The decision to "definitively approve partially" the document was notified in June 2017 by the Territorial commission of Urbanism dependent on the Junta de Andalucía. However, it was just a matter of a few days ago when the city Council received the communication that "the issues remaining in the absence of approval are corrected". With the green light, to the PGOU of Zurgena, the neighbours are granted all the rights necessary to realise the urban projects, that they deem necessary, such as rehabilitations, demolitions or the building of housing. Until now only the urban nucleus of the town was contemplated, despite the historical character of the rest of nuclei and Zurgeneras neighbourhoods.
The mayor of Zurgena, Luis Díaz, has congratulated "all the people who have participated and worked for the elaboration of this General Plan" and has especially recalled "the work and assistance of the former territorial planning delegate, Antonio Martínez, whose Collaboration has been essential to achieve this step. "
The PGOU of Zurgena seeks to improve the quality of life of the residents and is a plan for the future for the locality by contemplating 30% of the land for the construction of official protection housing (subsidized), which will give facilities to young people and families of the municipality To be able to obtain a decent home without the need to leave this municipality. In addition, the PGOU accepts different green areas proposed, such as the urban park bordering the railway station, this is thanks to the acquisition of this area by the city Council, as well as other green areas which will form the promenade and recreation area of neighbours and visitors. For example the area next to the Ginés Parra Park of the town. The same document also includes two large industrial areas dedicated to the settlement of companies in the municipality located in the places of the Covaticas and the Cucador.
In consideration of progressive and stable growth, the PGOU elaborated by the City Council of Zurgena identifies the reserved spaces for the construction of general systems like electrical substations and water purification that will improve the current infrastructures and the Provision of basic services for the citizens of the municipality. In the absence, of some corrections for the integral approval of the document, the process for which was started more than ten years ago, the approval of the Territorial Planning Commission comes as approved by a PGOU previously supported in the plenary of Zurgena with the supporting vote in favour of all political parties.
The mayor of Zurgena, Luis Díaz, who is also representative of the Andalusian Federation of Municipalities and Provinces in the Urban Planning commission of Almeria, has expressed his "great satisfaction with this historical approval for Zurgena that will allow the Future sustainable development of the municipality but also the present. " Although "some tools offered by the General Plan will not be able to be put into practice immediately, by administrative matters, the mayor has valued that" the PGOU offers us many resources that already allow to change for the better the lives of many residents of Zurgena. " In the same way, he has been convinced that "the collaboration with the new delegate in this field, Raúl Enríquez, will be a close and the most efficient as possible relationship for our neighbours."