As you may have noticed it has gone quiet on here!
I am on holiday for a few weeks but will communicate anything of note. Jose Manuel can deal with most things while I am away.
Regarding the Brexit issue my colleagues and I have continued to work towards establishing a base of supporters to exert pressure on Brussels, Madrid and Westminster to protect our interests. The number of email addresses now tops 600 and bear in mind that each email may represent more than one supporter so we are well on our way. We have issued our first updated circular to all supporters and we are waiting a date for a meeting with the Mancomunidad to progress the Spanish aspect. If you wish to register for updates please visit and click on the register link. This will ensure that you receive all future communications and please spread the word. The more the better.
I am on holiday for a few weeks but will communicate anything of note. Jose Manuel can deal with most things while I am away.
Regarding the Brexit issue my colleagues and I have continued to work towards establishing a base of supporters to exert pressure on Brussels, Madrid and Westminster to protect our interests. The number of email addresses now tops 600 and bear in mind that each email may represent more than one supporter so we are well on our way. We have issued our first updated circular to all supporters and we are waiting a date for a meeting with the Mancomunidad to progress the Spanish aspect. If you wish to register for updates please visit and click on the register link. This will ensure that you receive all future communications and please spread the word. The more the better.