Apologies for tardiness of this post but for the past week or more I have been trying to progress a couple of important issues for some residents and therefore did not want to divert attention from that by pushing the lesser issues but as things seem to have moved in in regard to these issues I look the opportunity to raise some if the issues today.
Firstly no recent news on the PGOU but none was expected for a few months yet.
Regarding the bowling green, and, due to a small advert in one of the local newspapers which showed bowling available, I asked why or how that could be advertised. I was told that we do not even have the keys to the bowling green yet (as I suspected) because we have no yet signed off the contract with Nila and so they still hold the keys. We are trying to formulate an agreed way forward, in order that we may invite tenders to manage the green, and install the necessary infrastructure, to make it a valuable facility for the village. So please be patient these things have to be done in accordance with various bureaucratic processes to comply with the laws here. I will post on here as soon as anything moves forward.
I again raised the issue about Calle Ulla and Calle Miguel de Cervantes, (Palaces) and Candido did tell me that he has raised these issues with the people who can help and he will remind them over the next week or two and try to get them seen to.
I raised a number of other issues about electric street lights (both the activation and replacement and included areas such as Los Llanos, Los Menchones and others) and he told me that, at this moment in time, it was a question of getting the manpower needed to do the work. Many of the TH workers are using up their annual leave entitlement and this leaves us very short of availability at the moment. He is aware of what is needed where and he assured me that as soon as we get the staff back to normal levels he will attend to these issues in rotation.
We have a number of road humps in the store now and we will try and get those installed in the area most in need but again this will be over the next few weeks/months.
The posts are in for the street plan for Los Llanos and the sign should get erected shortly, however we are having problems with the siting of the one for the pool area, due to the landowner not being happy. As mentioned previously we will have to get the bottom panel of the sign amended and install it on the other side of the road from where we wanted it to go.
I asked on behalf of a few of you about how residents can ensure they can vote in the upcoming local elections. Juan Jo advised that anyone can pop in to check with the Town Hall to see if they are so recorded but even if they are not there is another opportunity to register which is within 15 days for eh National announcement of the due date of the elections. This has not yet been announced.
The driver of the TH lorry asked if I would put a mention on here regarding the dumping of rubbish at the back of the Guardia Civil station in La Alfoquia. This is not a public dumping area and people should not use it as such. They have moved four lorry loads so far and have about another 4 to do. They will put a sign up.
On the Padron checklist this week are the following names,
Gordon and Josephine ANDERSON, Ethan BIRD, Joanne Lee BRADLEY, Stephen George CAINS, Barbara Jan DECKER, John Terence and Maureeen DUDLEY, Claire <Louise LYNN, Heather Donna MORRISON, Ian and Diane POSTLES, Ronald George SKINNER,Raymond Roy THREADER, Lynn Elizabeth WALKER and Brian WALKER.
As usual if anyone recognises any of the names please ask them to pop into the TH to confirm they should still be on the padron, if that is the case.