I had a quick catch up with Candido this morning regarding outstanding issues and can report, on some of those, as follows,
1. The Dipuradora at Cuesta de los Pinos is presenting more problems and Galasa have been called in to help and advise us as to the best and most complete way to carry out the remedial work or to rebuild it entirely! It is hoped that their advice and a proposed project will be received early next week.
2. Regarding the funds from Central Government to repair those parts which are still un-repaired from the flood, both Candido and Manolo (the TH Secretary) have an appointment with the regional authorities next Thursday at which they will put forward our proposals to use these funds. The pronblem is that there is €400,00 in grant money but we are supposed to also put €400,000 into the pot which we do not have. However, we have already spent many thousands on remedial works which this grant should cover so we will have to see how they accept this. If we are successful then roads which were washed away such as Calle Finlanda, Hungria and many others will be able to be repaired.
3. Regarding the trench cut across the main road between La Vida and Los Llanos del Peral. Afetr much discussions between the farmer responsible and various members of the TH the farmer has now agreed to repair it himself and he is supposed to do that today! We will see.
4. I was asked by a few people if they could start to play on the new bowling green and Candido said that no we cannot even start to play on it until after the contract completion is signed. He was speaking with them yesterday and he hopes it will not be too long before that part of the process is complete.
5. I again asked about the list of missing street signs which I had supplie to Paco some weeks ago for ordering. Candido referred me to Paco. We got hold of Paco and he said he had some of them but was not sure if he had them all. I will go to the TH workshop next week to check what we have and have not yet received.
6. I asked about the paving we were going to install opposite La Vida. Candido said that the project from which we hoped to obtain the materials had had to be changed but there is another project due to start in September from which we should be able to have sufficient materials to do that with.
The TH is also organising an exhibition as shown below. When dates are know I will post them on here.
On the occasion of the celebrations of the Illescas, an exhibition of farming implements, tools and antique objects from the Valley of Almanzora "Usos y costumbres" will take place at the Renfe, people who want to collaborate can put in contact with the land Association of Esparto or the Department of culture of our City Council, thanks in advance.
1. The Dipuradora at Cuesta de los Pinos is presenting more problems and Galasa have been called in to help and advise us as to the best and most complete way to carry out the remedial work or to rebuild it entirely! It is hoped that their advice and a proposed project will be received early next week.
2. Regarding the funds from Central Government to repair those parts which are still un-repaired from the flood, both Candido and Manolo (the TH Secretary) have an appointment with the regional authorities next Thursday at which they will put forward our proposals to use these funds. The pronblem is that there is €400,00 in grant money but we are supposed to also put €400,000 into the pot which we do not have. However, we have already spent many thousands on remedial works which this grant should cover so we will have to see how they accept this. If we are successful then roads which were washed away such as Calle Finlanda, Hungria and many others will be able to be repaired.
3. Regarding the trench cut across the main road between La Vida and Los Llanos del Peral. Afetr much discussions between the farmer responsible and various members of the TH the farmer has now agreed to repair it himself and he is supposed to do that today! We will see.
4. I was asked by a few people if they could start to play on the new bowling green and Candido said that no we cannot even start to play on it until after the contract completion is signed. He was speaking with them yesterday and he hopes it will not be too long before that part of the process is complete.
5. I again asked about the list of missing street signs which I had supplie to Paco some weeks ago for ordering. Candido referred me to Paco. We got hold of Paco and he said he had some of them but was not sure if he had them all. I will go to the TH workshop next week to check what we have and have not yet received.
6. I asked about the paving we were going to install opposite La Vida. Candido said that the project from which we hoped to obtain the materials had had to be changed but there is another project due to start in September from which we should be able to have sufficient materials to do that with.
The TH is also organising an exhibition as shown below. When dates are know I will post them on here.
On the occasion of the celebrations of the Illescas, an exhibition of farming implements, tools and antique objects from the Valley of Almanzora "Usos y costumbres" will take place at the Renfe, people who want to collaborate can put in contact with the land Association of Esparto or the Department of culture of our City Council, thanks in advance.